Thursday, March 26, 2015

Iso Flavones ...... (The Health Benefits)


What are soy isoflavones?
Isoflavones are  present in relatively large amounts in soybean and soyfoods. Soybeas contain two main types of isoflavones; daidzein and genistein. These compounds are part of a larger group of plant chemicals, called flavenoids, that are common in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Soybean are by far the most concentrated source of isoflavones in the human diet.

Isoflavones are a class of phytochemicals, which are compounds found only in plants (phyto means plant). They are also a type of phytoestrogen, or plant hormone, that resembles human estrogen in chemical structure yet are weaker. By mimicking human estrogen at certain sites in the body, isoflavones provide many health benefits that help you to avoid disease

Isoflavones are produced by the soybean plant as part of their defense mechanism against insects and diseases such as Phytophthora, and in response to environmental stresses such as drought. Isoflavones also play an important role in the growing soybean plant by stimulating nodule formation by nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium bacteria.

The Health Benefits of Iso Flavones ......
1.  it can prevent illness and promote good health.
2.  reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
3.  may help reduce breast cancer by blocking the cancer-causing effects of human estrogen.
4.  may also prevent prostate cancer by hindering cell growth.
5.  can fight osteoporosis by stimulating bone formation and inhibiting bone resorption.
6.  may even relieve some menopausal symptoms as well.
7.  also play an important role in protecting and maintaining strong and healthy bones.

 The best way to consume isoflavones is in food form, so that you can benefit from all of soy's nutrients and beneficial compounds. The highest amounts of isoflavones and soy protein are found in tempeh, whole soybeans (like edamame), textured soy protein, soynuts, tofu and soymilk.

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