Thursday, March 26, 2015
Iso Flavones ...... (The Health Benefits)
What are soy isoflavones?
Isoflavones are present in relatively large amounts in soybean and soyfoods. Soybeas contain two main types of isoflavones; daidzein and genistein. These compounds are part of a larger group of plant chemicals, called flavenoids, that are common in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Soybean are by far the most concentrated source of isoflavones in the human diet.
Isoflavones are a class of phytochemicals, which are compounds found only in plants (phyto means plant). They are also a type of phytoestrogen, or plant hormone, that resembles human estrogen in chemical structure yet are weaker. By mimicking human estrogen at certain sites in the body, isoflavones provide many health benefits that help you to avoid disease
Isoflavones are produced by the soybean plant as part of their defense mechanism against insects and diseases such as Phytophthora, and in response to environmental stresses such as drought. Isoflavones also play an important role in the growing soybean plant by stimulating nodule formation by nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium bacteria.
The Health Benefits of Iso Flavones ......
1. it can prevent illness and promote good health.
2. reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
3. may help reduce breast cancer by blocking the cancer-causing effects of human estrogen.
4. may also prevent prostate cancer by hindering cell growth.
5. can fight osteoporosis by stimulating bone formation and inhibiting bone resorption.
6. may even relieve some menopausal symptoms as well.
7. also play an important role in protecting and maintaining strong and healthy bones.
The best way to consume isoflavones is in food form, so that you can benefit from all of soy's nutrients and beneficial compounds. The highest amounts of isoflavones and soy protein are found in tempeh, whole soybeans (like edamame), textured soy protein, soynuts, tofu and soymilk.
Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.
Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and eliminate stomach upset and headache.
Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and eliminate bad breath.
Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.
Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.
Pear + Banana - regulates sugar content.
Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization .
Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.
Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.
Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation
Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.
Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.
Pear + Banana - regulates sugar content.
Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization .
Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and strengthen body immunity.
Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.
Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation
Punca Jerawat & Kedudukan Jerawat ..............
1.Perubahan hormone
Apabila berlaku perubahan hormone seperti zaman baligh remaja,
mengandung, datang haid ataupun menopause bagi wanita, jerawat akan
timbul disebabkan hormone dalam badan,iaitu hormone androgen
(testosterone) yang ada dalam badan lelaki dan wanita.Kebiasaannya
seawal seminggu sebelum kedatangan period sehingga seminggu setelah
habis period,jerawat akan mudah naik pada bila-bila masa.
Ketidakstabilan hormone ini kadang-kala terkawal dan sekiranya tidak
terkawal, masalah ini akan berlanjutan.Majoritinya adalah dalam belasan
tahun dan awal 20 ‘an - 40 'an.Selain drpd itu,penggunaan pil perancang,
ubat steroid, vitamin B12 juga menyebabkan perubahan hormon berlaku.
2.Tekanan (Stress)
Sesetengah dari jerawat timbul dari ketegangan dan stress emosi yang
dihadapi setiap hari. Ini mungkin dari penghasilan minyak dan sebum
dikulit yang bertambah.Tekanan ada dua, sama ada emosi atau fizikal.
Tekanan fizikal:
1.Exercise atau bersukan tanpa rehat yang cukup
5.Faktor Genetic
6.Allergic atau alahan
7. Perubahan biologi badan
8.Persekitaran & Pencemaran
9.Jangkitan pada kulit & Resdung
10.Faktor Cuaca
Sekiranya anda tahu punca jerawat anda, ubatilah punca tersebut supaya jerawat tidak berulang lagi.Hanya faktor perubahan hormon seperti period sahaja anda tidak dapat elakkan dari jerawat keluar.
2.Tidur yang tidak mencukupi/tidur lewat/tidur tidak teratur
3. Jadual seharian yang sangat ketat
4. Merokok, pengambilan dadah
Tekanan emosi
1.Bimbang atau kerisauan yang berlebihan
3.Masalah hubungan rumah tangga atau kekasih
4.Kerja /study yang banyak
Pemakanan yg tidak seimbang seperti kacang,makanan berperisa,seafood (udang,ketam,sotong,kerang),budu,
belacan,makanan berminyak/bergoreng,telur,daging,ayam goreng,makanan berlemak spt santan,dairy products spt susu lembu,coklat.
Jika seseorang yang tidak pernah membuang toksin sejak lahir hingga
umurnya mencecah 30 tahun, bermakna sudah macam-macam sisa toksin
terkumpul dalam badannya.Jika sistem semula jadi tubuhnya tidak mampu
untuk membuang toksin tersebut secara semula jadi, itulah yang akan
menyebabkan kulit seseorang itu kusam, berjerawat dan banyak lagi
keburukan lain
5.Faktor Genetic
Ada keturunan di mana kulit mukanya tidak bermasalah seperti golongan
arab yang rata-rata bermuka putih licin, dan tidak berminyak manakala
jerawat menghantui hidup golongan asia. Atas sebab itu ubat antijerawat
sangat laku dijual di Asia dan tidak mendapat sambutan oleh masyarakat
6.Allergic atau alahan
Alergic atau alahan apabila menggunakan kosmetik,foundation,cream muka
baru atau pencuci muka baru yg ada bahan-bahan chemical tertentu yg
tidak sesuai dgn kulit..Cara pembersihan make up yang tidak betul juga
menyebabkan liang roma tersumbat.Pakaian yang ketat atau apa saja yang
menutup liang minyak juga memberi masalah jerawat di kulit.
7. Perubahan biologi badan
Ada segolongan individu kandungan minyak (sebum) di kulit berubah
komposisi. Ada pulak golongan yang menghadapi perubahan pada sel kulit
muka seperti hyperproliferation of KC (tak dapat ditafsirkan bagi
golongan bukan dalam bidang perubatan)
8.Persekitaran & Pencemaran
Habuk atau udara yang tercemar seperti asap dan bahan kimia terutamanya
di bandar-bandar besar,kilang-kilang boleh menyebabkan jerawat dihadapi
oleh hampir semua penduduk kawasan tersebut.Bahan-bahan ini menutup
liang roma dan menyebabkan inflammasi (radang) kemerah-merahan pada
9.Jangkitan pada kulit & Resdung
Kuman (bacteria) jenis propionobacterium acnes boleh
membiak di kelenjar sebum di kulit anda dan menyebabkan jerawat. Atas
sebab itu jerawat dinasihatkan tidak dipicit kerana apabila dipicit,
kuman di dalam kulit tersebar ke kawasan sekitar dan menyebabkan jerawat
di permukaan yang lebih luas.
10.Faktor Cuaca
Perubahan cuaca serta cuaca panas juga adalah faktor jerawat keluar.
Sekiranya jerawat berulangkali naik di tempat atau area yg
sama,ini menggambarkan area dalaman kita yg tertentu mempunyai
masalah,tetapi sekiranya setiap kali ia tumbuh di tempat yg
berlainan,itu adalah normal.Tidak semestinya jika kita mempunyai masalah
dalaman,jerawat wajib tumbuh di kawasan muka yg tertentu.Ada juga
diantara kita ada masalah dalaman tp kulit muka tiada masalah tp lebih
baik jika kita tahu apa yg ada d luaran skrg dtgnya dr dalaman supaya
kita dpt mengambil berat masalah dalaman tersebut.
Haba badan melampau, peredaran darah tidak baik. Minda dan badan,
mungkin terlampau letih.Stress Kumpulan ini biasanya panas baran Nasihat
: Pupuk tabiat tidur awal, bangun awal. Dapatkan tidur yg cukup dan
minum air banyak
Jerawat di batang hidung bermaksud tulang belakang kita mungkin
bermasalah Di hujung hidung mungkin kerana haba perut melampau dan
sisitem penghadaman tidak normal Di salah satu hujung hidung pula boleh
dikaitkan dgn ovari atau sistem reproduksi
Fungsi buah pinggang terjejas atau sistem endokrin (rembesan dalaman)
lemah. Kaum wanita mudah mendapat jerawat di sekitar dagu mungkin
berpunca drpd haid yg tidak teratur dan sistem peranakan yang
Fungsi hati mungkin kurang lancar termasuk dilanda masalah rembesan, menyahtoksin dan penghasilan darah.
Fungsi paru-paru mungkin tidak normal
Sistem perkumuhan yang bermasalah, sembelit. Amalkan pemakanan yang
sihat dan mengikuti piramid pemakanan bagi mempastikan toksin tersingkir
dengan lebih baik.
Sekiranya anda tahu punca jerawat anda, ubatilah punca tersebut supaya jerawat tidak berulang lagi.Hanya faktor perubahan hormon seperti period sahaja anda tidak dapat elakkan dari jerawat keluar.
PETUA RAWAT KURAP ..............
Boleh cuba mana-mana petua di bawah ini.
1. Kunyit hidup :
Ambil seketul kunyit hidup dan ketuk dengan pisau. Sapukan bahagian kuning kunyit pada kulit yang berkurap sebelum tidur. Amalkan setiap malam.
2. Daun jambu:
Dapatkan 10 cawan daun jambu yang telah dicincang. Masukkan ke dalam periuk bersama 2 liter air. Rebus selama 15 minit. Tapis air rebusan dan tambahkan dengan air biasa secukupnya untuk dibuat mandi. Amalkan setiap hari.
3. Sayur bayam:
Tumbuk sayur bayam hingga lumat dan campurkan dengan sedikit kapur sirih. Sapukan pada bahagian kulit yang berkurap. Biarkan sehingga kering. Amalkan setiap hari.
4. Santan kelapa dan kangkung:
Dapatkan santan pekat dari sebiji kelapa tua. Ambil beberapa helai daun kangkung dan tumbuk hingga lumat. Gaul santan bersama kangkung dan sapukan pada bahagian kulit yang berkurap. Biarkan sehingga kering. Amalkan setiap hari.
5. Daun peria:
Ambil beberapa helai daun peria dan basuh. Ramas dan gosokkan pada bahagian kulit yang berkurap. Amalkan selalu.
Vitamin C ........
Vitamin C is a vitamin. Some animals can make their own vitamin C, but people must get this vitamin from food and other sources. Good sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits. Vitamin C can also be made in a laboratory.
Most experts recommend getting vitamin C from a diet high in fruits and vegetables rather than taking supplements. Fresh-squeezed orange juice or fresh-frozen concentrate is a better pick than ready-to-drink orange juice. The fresh juice contains more active vitamin C. Drink fresh-frozen orange juice within one week after reconstituting it for the most benefit. It you prefer ready-to-drink orange juice, buy it 3 to 4 weeks before the expiration date, and drink it within one week of opening.
The benefits of vitamin C
What can vitamin C do for your health?Vitamin C helps with wound healing, and consuming vitamin C increases the amount of iron we can absorb from plant sources, such as kale, broccoli and sprouts.
Vitamin C is one of many antioxidants that may protect against damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals, as well as toxic chemicals and pollutants like cigarette smoke. Research suggests that free radicals can build up and contribute to the development of health conditions such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis.
Signs that you are not getting enough vitamin C include bleeding gums, feeling lethargic, bone pain, and joint pain, says Alana MacDonald, a registered dietician and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association. You might also have a vitamin C deficiency if wounds don’t heal or they break open after they appear to have healed.
If you eat a balanced diet it is unlikely that you will have a vitamin C deficiency. Many food companies fortify their products, including bread, cereal and soya milk, with vitamins. "The only time we see vitamin C deficiency nowadays is in people with very, very poor diets," says Alana. "People who don’t eat any fruit or veg, just processed food, may have a vitamin C deficiency.
Vitamin C is one of many antioxidants that may protect against damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals, as well as toxic chemicals and pollutants like cigarette smoke. Research suggests that free radicals can build up and contribute to the development of health conditions such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis.
What if you don’t get enough vitamin C?
People who don’t get enough vitamin C in their diets are at risk of getting scurvy, although it is very rare to find cases of scurvy in the developed world.Signs that you are not getting enough vitamin C include bleeding gums, feeling lethargic, bone pain, and joint pain, says Alana MacDonald, a registered dietician and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association. You might also have a vitamin C deficiency if wounds don’t heal or they break open after they appear to have healed.
If you eat a balanced diet it is unlikely that you will have a vitamin C deficiency. Many food companies fortify their products, including bread, cereal and soya milk, with vitamins. "The only time we see vitamin C deficiency nowadays is in people with very, very poor diets," says Alana. "People who don’t eat any fruit or veg, just processed food, may have a vitamin C deficiency.
How much vitamin C is enough?
"The recommended nutrient intake for adults is 40 milligrams of vitamin C per day," says Marie. "On average, adults in the UK have about 80 milligrams of vitamin C per day."People who smoke need more vitamin C than the average person because smoking depletes vitamin C in the body’s tissue and blood. People who have had surgery also benefit from additional vitamin C to help their wounds heal.
Is it possible to have too much vitamin C?
So how dangerous is it to take large doses of vitamin C? "If you took a high dose of vitamin C, your body would just excrete it in your urine," says Alana. "Your body is quite smart at deciding how much of something you need."However, large doses of vitamin C can give you diarrhoea, stomach pain and flatulence. A recent study has also found a link between taking vitamin C supplements-which typically contain 1 gram of vitamin C-and kidney stones. The Swedish study found that men who take vitamin C supplements are twice as likely to develop kidney stones as men who don’t take any dietary supplements. Men who take multivitamins don’t appear to increase their risk of developing kidney stones, and nor do men who get their vitamin C dose from eating fruit and vegetables. It is not known if these results apply to women.
Here are some of the conditions that vitamin C is said to help. We had a look at the evidence:
Common cold. A number of studies have looked at whether vitamin C can help prevent or cure the common cold. "A recent large review of many studies (meta-analysis) concluded that regular vitamin C supplementation did not help prevent the common cold in the ‘normal’ population," says Marie. "However it did reduce the risk of developing cold symptoms by about half in those exposed to periods of brief physical stress such as marathon runners, skiers and soldiers."
The authors of the review said that there is not enough evidence to routinely suggest that taking vitamin C supplements after a cold has started can reduce the duration or severity of the cold. However, they went on to say there's no harm in a person trying vitamin C to shorten the duration of their cold symptoms, but more research is needed to confirm any benefits.
Blood pressure. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Scientists at John Hopkins University found that taking a vitamin C supplement (an average of 500 milligrams a day) can modestly reduce blood pressure. However, the scientists said that none of the studies they examined in their review showed that vitamin C directly prevents or reduces rates of cardiovascular disease, including stroke. The jury is still out.
Wheezing after exercise. One in 10 people suffer from coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath after exercising (the medical name for this is "exercise-induced bronchoconstriction"). A recent review by the University of Helsinki found that vitamin C can "substantially reduce bronchoconstriction caused by exercise".
Skin ageing. Vitamin C affects cells on the inside and outside of the body. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined links between nutrient intakes and skin ageing in 4,025 women aged 40 to 74. It found that higher vitamin C intakes were associated with a lower likelihood of a wrinkled appearance, dryness of the skin and a better skin- ageing appearance.
Gout. Research has shown that vitamin C is associated with lower risk of gout. In a long-term study of male health professionals over the age of 40, those with a vitamin C intake of more than 500mg per day had a reduced risk of gout. "Those taking daily vitamin C supplements of between 1,000 milligrams and 1,499 milligrams reduced their risk by 31% compared to those that did not take supplements, and those taking more than 1,500 milligrams vitamin C per day had almost half the risk," says Marie.
Common cold. A number of studies have looked at whether vitamin C can help prevent or cure the common cold. "A recent large review of many studies (meta-analysis) concluded that regular vitamin C supplementation did not help prevent the common cold in the ‘normal’ population," says Marie. "However it did reduce the risk of developing cold symptoms by about half in those exposed to periods of brief physical stress such as marathon runners, skiers and soldiers."
The authors of the review said that there is not enough evidence to routinely suggest that taking vitamin C supplements after a cold has started can reduce the duration or severity of the cold. However, they went on to say there's no harm in a person trying vitamin C to shorten the duration of their cold symptoms, but more research is needed to confirm any benefits.
Blood pressure. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Scientists at John Hopkins University found that taking a vitamin C supplement (an average of 500 milligrams a day) can modestly reduce blood pressure. However, the scientists said that none of the studies they examined in their review showed that vitamin C directly prevents or reduces rates of cardiovascular disease, including stroke. The jury is still out.
Wheezing after exercise. One in 10 people suffer from coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath after exercising (the medical name for this is "exercise-induced bronchoconstriction"). A recent review by the University of Helsinki found that vitamin C can "substantially reduce bronchoconstriction caused by exercise".
Skin ageing. Vitamin C affects cells on the inside and outside of the body. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined links between nutrient intakes and skin ageing in 4,025 women aged 40 to 74. It found that higher vitamin C intakes were associated with a lower likelihood of a wrinkled appearance, dryness of the skin and a better skin- ageing appearance.
Gout. Research has shown that vitamin C is associated with lower risk of gout. In a long-term study of male health professionals over the age of 40, those with a vitamin C intake of more than 500mg per day had a reduced risk of gout. "Those taking daily vitamin C supplements of between 1,000 milligrams and 1,499 milligrams reduced their risk by 31% compared to those that did not take supplements, and those taking more than 1,500 milligrams vitamin C per day had almost half the risk," says Marie.
Urinary tract infection. A daily vitamin C supplement (100 milligrams) can reduce the risk of developing a urinary tract infection in pregnant women. Vitamin C stops the growth of some bacteria by making urine more acidic.
"Good dietary sources of vitamin C are citrus and soft fruits,
berries, leafy green vegetables, peppers, tomatoes and fruit juices,"
says Marie. "In the UK, we also get some of our vitamin C from
But Alana reminds us that most of the vitamin C in potatoes is found just below the skin. "Most people throw this bit away," she says. "If you eat a boiled potato or baked potato, leave the skin on."
Here are eight easy ways to work more fruit and vegetables into your diet each day:
If you are a smoker, you may also want to consider taking a vitamin C supplement as you might not get all the vitamin C you need from your diet alone.
What type of Vitamin C should I take?
To answer that, we will need to know the types of Vitamin that is available in most pharmacy today.
There are 3 common types of Vitamin C:
Type 1: Vitamin C in Acid-Free form (eg. Kordel’s Acid Free Vitamin C - 100% non-acid)
This is the most popular type of Vitamin C as it is 100% Acid-Free as there are no residues of the acidic form of Vitamin C left in the product.
For individuals who are concern about gastric problems or have ‘sensitive stomach’ this type of Vitamin C in the Acid-Free form is the safest and most recommended type of Vitamin C.
Acid-Free type also the best type of Vitamin C for elderly, busy working executives who skip lunch often, smokers and children. In fact, Acid-Free Form of Vitamin C is suitable for everyone.
Type 2: Vitamin C in Ascorbic Acid Form (eg. Redoxon, Blackmores Vitamin C, Natural Factors Chewable C)
This form of vitamin C is the most common types of vitamin C found in pharmacy. It is in the ‘most basic’ type of vitamin C which is in the ascorbic acid.
Because it is in the ‘Acidic’ form, it is not advisable for individual who have gastric problems or who have ‘sensitive stomach’.
Type 3: Vitamin C in Buffer Form (eg. Blackmores Buffer C - is not 100% acid free)
This form of Vitamin C is the second most common type of Vitamin C found in pharmacy. Buffering is a term used by scientists to show that the Vitamin C has been added with a ‘buffering agent’ to reduce its acidic nature.
However, buffered form of Vitamin C is NOT 100% acid-free.
The buffering process, leaves some ‘acid’ residue in from the ascorbic acid making Vitamin C in Buffer Form only ‘marginally’ safe for individuals who have gastric problems or who have ‘sensitive stomach’.
Not sure if the Vitamin C you’re taking is Non-Acidic?
Look on the product label. If the in the ingredient panel, the ingredient list includes ascorbic acid or has the word low acid, this means the vitamin C product contains acid.
A 100% Non-Acidic Vitamin C labels should carry the word ‘acid-free’ or ‘non-acid’, showing that the Vitamin C is 100% Non-Acidic.
So, the next time an office colleague or a family member catches a flu or cold, make sure you choose a 100% Non-Acidic type of Vitamin C for him or her.
You’ll choose only 100% Acid-Free Form of Vitamin C from Kordel's, because you care!
But Alana reminds us that most of the vitamin C in potatoes is found just below the skin. "Most people throw this bit away," she says. "If you eat a boiled potato or baked potato, leave the skin on."
Here are eight easy ways to work more fruit and vegetables into your diet each day:
- Add pureed or grated fruit and veg to recipes for muffins, spaghetti Bolognese and soups.
- Keep cut-up fruit and veg on hand so they are ready for a quick snack. You can even package them in portion sizes - about 80 grams is a portion of your five a day.
- Frozen fruit slices make a cool summer treat.
- Include dark lettuce, tomatoes and shredded broccoli slaw on all your sandwiches and wraps.
- Eat raw vegetables with hummus, low-fat dips and salsas.
- Add fresh or frozen berries to muffins, scones, cereal and salads.
- Throw a handful of dried fruit on top of your cereal or in a bag with nuts for an easy snack.
- Enjoy a glass of vegetable juice as a filling and low- calorie mid-afternoon snack.
If you are a smoker, you may also want to consider taking a vitamin C supplement as you might not get all the vitamin C you need from your diet alone.
What type of Vitamin C should I take?
To answer that, we will need to know the types of Vitamin that is available in most pharmacy today.
There are 3 common types of Vitamin C:
Type 1: Vitamin C in Acid-Free form (eg. Kordel’s Acid Free Vitamin C - 100% non-acid)
This is the most popular type of Vitamin C as it is 100% Acid-Free as there are no residues of the acidic form of Vitamin C left in the product.
For individuals who are concern about gastric problems or have ‘sensitive stomach’ this type of Vitamin C in the Acid-Free form is the safest and most recommended type of Vitamin C.
Acid-Free type also the best type of Vitamin C for elderly, busy working executives who skip lunch often, smokers and children. In fact, Acid-Free Form of Vitamin C is suitable for everyone.
Type 2: Vitamin C in Ascorbic Acid Form (eg. Redoxon, Blackmores Vitamin C, Natural Factors Chewable C)
This form of vitamin C is the most common types of vitamin C found in pharmacy. It is in the ‘most basic’ type of vitamin C which is in the ascorbic acid.
Because it is in the ‘Acidic’ form, it is not advisable for individual who have gastric problems or who have ‘sensitive stomach’.
Type 3: Vitamin C in Buffer Form (eg. Blackmores Buffer C - is not 100% acid free)
This form of Vitamin C is the second most common type of Vitamin C found in pharmacy. Buffering is a term used by scientists to show that the Vitamin C has been added with a ‘buffering agent’ to reduce its acidic nature.
However, buffered form of Vitamin C is NOT 100% acid-free.
The buffering process, leaves some ‘acid’ residue in from the ascorbic acid making Vitamin C in Buffer Form only ‘marginally’ safe for individuals who have gastric problems or who have ‘sensitive stomach’.
Not sure if the Vitamin C you’re taking is Non-Acidic?
Look on the product label. If the in the ingredient panel, the ingredient list includes ascorbic acid or has the word low acid, this means the vitamin C product contains acid.
A 100% Non-Acidic Vitamin C labels should carry the word ‘acid-free’ or ‘non-acid’, showing that the Vitamin C is 100% Non-Acidic.
So, the next time an office colleague or a family member catches a flu or cold, make sure you choose a 100% Non-Acidic type of Vitamin C for him or her.
You’ll choose only 100% Acid-Free Form of Vitamin C from Kordel's, because you care!
Tips Untuk Masakan Ikan .........
Selain siakap, ikan yang sesuai untuk hidangan ini adalah ikan merah,
kerapu atau ikan kembung. Untuk mengurangkan bau hanyir ikan, sebaik saja
dibersihkan mestilah dilumur dengan garam dan jus limau nipis atau air asam
jawa. Biar selama 30 minit kemudian bersihkan semula dan lap kering-kering.
Bagi mengelakkan kulit ikan yang dikukus koyak, kelar dua atau tiga kali
secara menyerong. Lakukan dikedua-dua belah ikan sehingga ke bahagian tulang
tengahnya. Cara ini juga akan mempercepatkan ikan masak bila dikukus. Jangan
buangkan air kukusan ikan kerana ia membuat kuah lebih manis.
Ikan yang dikukus atau stim lebih lembut isinya. Ia juga sesuai bagi yang
mahu mengurangkan pengambilan makanan bergoreng. Minyak gorengan, terutama yang
digunakan berkali-kali membawa akibat tidak baik kepada kesihatan. Jadi, tidak
usah memikirkan sangat untuk berjimat jikalau anda perlu mempertaruhkan
kesihatan tubuh badan.
Seelok-eloknya, gunakan minyak bermutu tinggi yang tiada kolesterol (namun
agak mahal) terutama bagi sup atau sayur goreng (di mana anda makan dengan
kuahnya sekali). Anda juga boleh menggantikan mentega di dalam masakan
bertumis, dengan marjerin kerana sumber marjerin adalah sayur-sayuran.
Bagi anda yang inginkan kelainan, boleh juga menggoreng ikan. Gaul terlebih
dulu dengan garam dan serbuk lada sulah. Perap selama 30 minit sebelum dilumur
dengan putih telur yang dipukul sedikit. Kemudian salut dengan tepung jagung.
Ini akan membuat ikan lebih rangup.
Bila menggoreng jangan terlalu garing kerana isi ikan mudah keras. Cuma
pastikan apinya sederhana kuat. Untuk mengelakkan minyak meletup, tutup sedikit
kuali. Jangan tutup rapat kerana ikan sukar menjadi garing.
Sekiranya anda perlu terbalikkan ikan goreng, masukkan beberapa keping asam
gelugur ke dalam minyak panas itu. Ini adalah panduan supaya ikan mudah
dialihkan dan kulitnya tidak koyak. Ada juga yang menaburkan sedikit garam ke
dalam kuali semasa menunggu minyak itu panas.
Sebaik-baiknya goreng di dalam minyak yang banyak. Dengan cara ini, anda
tidak perlu membalikkan ikan. Ia bukan hanya Ikan seperti kerapu selalunya dibuangkan
tulang tengahnya dan ditekan supaya terbuka (bahagian isi di sebelah bawah). Ia
lebih mudah disajikan. Selain daripada itu, kuahnya juga mudah meresap ke dalam
isinya dan ini menjadikannya lebih sedap.
Keharuman sajian ini menyerlah kerana penggunaan bunga kantan dan limau
purut. Bagi anda yang lebih sukakan aroma daun ketumbar, boleh juga taburkan di
atas ikan sejurus sebelum dihidangkan.
Kebanyakan masakan ala Thai memang menggunakan daun ketumbar sebagai
penyeri. Seperti kebanyakan dedaun herba yang lain, ia juga mengandungi
pelbagai khasiat. Malah akar ketumbar adalah ramuan terpenting di dalam
beberapa jenis masakan Thai. Namun begitu, sekiranya anda tidak mahu memasukkan
bunga kantan atau daun limau purut, terpulanglah.
Semasa mengukus ikan, jangan buka penutup kukusan sekurang-kurangnya untuk
10 minit pertama. Ini untuk mengelakkan wap panas keluar. Ikan yang dikukus
kelihatan masak jika bahagian matanya berubah menjadi putih atau tersembul
keluar sedikit. Padamkan api dan ubah ikan ke dalam pinggan hidangan. Air
rebusan ikan yang terkumpul perlu dicampur ke dalam kuah atau sosnya.
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