Saturday, June 21, 2014

20 Best Foods for Fiber ............

Fiber can lower blood sugar, cut cholesterol, and may even prevent colon cancer and help you avoid hemorrhoids. If it were a drug, the world would be clamoring for it.

But few people are getting enough.

Women should get about 25 grams a day and men at least 35 to 40, but the average person gets just 15 grams a day. Eating fiber-rich whole foods—not foods that tout "added fiber"—is the best way to increase your fiber intake, says Carolyn Brown, RD, a nutritionist at Foodtrainers, in New York City.

Here is a list of high-fiber foods—

1.  Corn

2. White Beans


3. Black Beans

4.  Kidney Beans


5. Garbanzo Beans (kacang kuda)

6.  Avocado


7. Whole - wheat pasta

8. Brown rice


9.  Edamane


10.  Whole - wheat bread


11. Lentils  (kacang dals)


12.  Pear


13.  Artichoke


14.  Oatmeal


15.  Raspberries


16.  Peas


17.  Broconli


18.  Apples


19.  Almonds


20.  Barley

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