Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Every Finger Is Connected With 2 Organs: Japanese Methods For Curing In 5 Minutes!...........


The Japanese make use of an alternative medicine method based on the belief that each finger of your hand is related to 2 organs in the body. This curing method provides results in only 5 minutes.
This ancient method of healing is also known as Jin Shin Jyutsu, and it balances emotions by stimulating certain points of the hands.  This form of healing art lies on the belief that some important points of the fingers are able to maintain a balance of the body energy, and in turn promote physical and emotional health.

Namely, this method actually influences certain body organ by tightly holding a finger on one hand for 3-5 minutes. While doing this, you should breathe deeply and afterwards, you should massage the fingers on both hands. This whole procedure lasts for around 3 minutes.

 Here is an explanation of the entire scheme that will show all the connection between the fingers and the body organs:

  • Organs: spleenwort and stomach
  • Emotions: depression and anxiety
  • Physical symptoms: headaches, skin issues, nervousness, stomachache
Index finger
  • Organs: kidneys, urinary bladder
  • Emotions: confusion, discontent, fear
  • Physical symptoms: digestion issues, muscle pain, toothache, back pain
Middle finger
  • Organs: liver, yolky bitter
  • Emotions: irritability, rage, indetermination
  • Physical symptoms: circulation issues, headaches (especially in the frontal area), tiredness, menstrual pain, migraines
Ring finger
  • Organs: lungs, large intestine
  • Emotions: fear, pessimism, sadness
  • Physical symptoms: skin conditions, digestion issues, asthma and other respiratory problems
  • Organs: heart, small intestine
  • Emotions: anxiety, nervousness, lack of self-confidence
  • Physical symptoms: heart disease, bone issues, pain in the throat

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