Saturday, July 2, 2016

Early Warning Signs Your Blood Pressure Is DANGEROUSLY High .........


High blood pressure comes as condition when  blood flows through vessels and arteries with higher than normal pressure- known as hypertension, is a disease that is very common lately.

High blood pressure comes as condition when  blood flows through vessels and arteries with higher than normal pressure- known as hypertension, is a disease that is very common lately.

Scary thing is the fact that the body doesn’t show any signs or symptoms even though blood pressure is on a dangerously high level!

There are two different pressures:
  1. one, systolic -blood pressure when the heart beats while pumping blood, and
  2. diastolic, which is the pressure when the heart is at rest between beats.
Blood pressure ranges include:
  • Normal: Less than 120/80
  • Prehypertension: 120–139/80–89
  • Stage 1 high blood pressure: 140–159/90–99
  • Stage 2 high blood pressure: 160 and above/100 and above
Some warning signs are: 
...... chest pains, changes,
...... tiredness,
...... nose bleeds,
.......ear noise or buzzing,
....... confusion.

It is proven that total life expectancy of people with normal blood pressure is about 5 years longer than to those with hypertension. You should keep your blood pressure under control.
Complications of high blood pressure
Hypertension is the primary or contributing cause for deaths.
  • Chronic heart failure: Seven out of ten have chronic heart failure and high blood pressure.
  • Memory issues as: trouble to memorize or understanding concepts-it affects the ability to think, remeber and learn.
  • Eye problems: can result in vision loss – it causes thickened, narrowed and torn blood vessels in the eyes.
  • Aneyrism:  high blood pressure causes blood vessels to weaken and bludge and it is life-treatening.
  • First strokeseven out of 10 people of every ten have high blood pressure when they have their first heart attack.
  • Metabolic syndrome: 
– high triglyceride levels, high blood sugar, abdominal obesity,  high blood pressure or low HDL (good) cholesterol.
High Blood Pressure vs. Low Blood Pressure 
Risk of high blood pressure as well as low blood pressure normally increases with age.
High blood Pressure
there are some warnign signs such as:
  • Tiredness;Headaches;Chest pains; Confusion;Vision changes;Nosebleed;Ear noise or buzzing;Irregular heartbeat
Low Blood Pressure
How can you tell whether you have low, high or normal blood pressure?
  • Normal: Less then 120/80
  • Low blood pressyre or hypotension: Less than 90/60
  • Prehypotension: 120-139/80-90
  • Stage 1 high blood pressure: 140-159/90-99
  • Stage 2 high blood pressure: 160 and above/100 and above
Here are some warnings on low blood pressure:
  • As a result of plague build up in blood vessels the blood flow to heart muscle and brain declines with age.
  • When blood pressure drops suddenly then brain is deprived of an adequate blood supply. This is why low blood pressure is concerning and can lead to lightheadedness and dizziness.
  • 10% to 20% of people over age of 65 have postural hypotension (Postural hypotension or orthostatic hypotension is sudden drop of blood pressure – happens when people suddenly rise from a sitting position to standing. Now, on the other hand, neurally hypotension is a type of blood pressure and it comes when someone is standing for a long period of time.
  • Chronic low blood pressure with no symptoms is almost never serious.
Low blood pressure is only taken serious by the doctors if it cause noticeable signs and symptoms such as:
  • Fatique;Fainting (called syncop)
  • Nausea; Cold, clammy, pale skin
  • Depression; lack of concentration;Blurred visi
  • Dehydration and unusual thirst;
  •  Dizzines or lightheadedness
Low blood pressure can occur with:
  • Pregnancy
  • Diuretics and other drugs for hypertension, beta blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, Parkinson’s disease drugs, erectile dysfunction drugs in combination with nitroglycerin, narcotics and alcohol.
  • Decreases in blood volume;Prolonged bed rest
  • Severe infection (septic shock);Heart problems
  • Endocrine problems;Neurally mediated hypotension
  • Alergic reaction (analhylaxis)- anaphylatic shock – sometimes fatal allergic reaction -people who are highly sensitive certain foods such as peanuts, or drugs such as pelicillin or to bee or wasp stings. Symptoms are swolen throath, itching, hives breathing problems and a sudden dramatic fall in blood pressure.
  • Nutritional deficiences – anemia is caused by a lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid- it can lead to low blood pressure.
High Blood Pressure Symptoms Diet
Blood pressure needs serious attention. Here are some natural remedies one should use in diet.

Foods to Avoid
  • Sugar –  high sugar intake can be more concerning than salt intake when it comes to high blood pressure.
  • High sodium foods – Avoid high sodium processed and also canned foods.
  • Alcohol-  drinking alcoholin moderation since it narrowes arteries,also increase blood pressure.
  • Caffeine- consumption of too much caffeine increases blood pressure. For those who suffer from high blood pressure- reduce caffeine to get blood pressure do
  • Trans fats and omega 6-fats-  packaged foods and conventional meats and also increase inflammation thus blood pressure.

 Foods to Eat that Help Heal High Blood Pressure Symptoms...

  • High –fiber foods-  diet with foods high in fiber such as: beans, vegetables,seeds, and fruits
  • Tea- consume white tea few times a day-which thins blood and improves artery, thus actually lower blood pressure and protect the body form stroke. It only works that if taken several times a day, and every day.
  • Omega-3 rich foods use omega-3 foods – wild-caught salmon, flaxseeds and chia seeds, grass-fed beef.
  • High-potassium foods- Diet rich in potassium-important part of controling blood pressure- it lower anu negative effects of sodium on Potassium rich foods are coconut  bananas, avocados, coconut and melons.
  • Dark chocolateit is healthy and contain at least 200 milligrams of cocoa phenols, also can reduce blood pressure.
  • Mediterranean diet high in seafoods, vegetables, fruits and healthy omega 3 fat oils.
  • Apple cider vinegar-  naturally high in potassium, keep the body alkaline and it lowers blood pressure naturally.
Supplements for High Blood Pressure Symptoms
  1. Cocoa
Consuming cocoa increases your intake of flavonols- they will help you lower blood pressure and improves blood flow to brain and heart, e because as a natural vasodilator increases nitric oxide in blood and it widens blood vessels.
  1. Fish oil
According to many studies, the consumption of fish oil, rich in EPA and DHA forms of omega-3 fatty acids is reducing inflammation. Take 1,000 miligrams fish oil dose every day along with meals.
  1. Garlic
Another vasodilator that can’t get enough with diet, available in pills or as a  liquid. Patients with uncontrolled hypertension should use old garlic- it reduced peripheral and central blood pressure.
  1. Coenzyme Q10
Antioxidant for supporting heart health, of great importance if one is cholesterol-lowering or blood pressure medication. It is great natural remedy for high blood pressure -take about 200 to 300 miligrams of CoQ10 daily.
  1. Magnesium
Magnesium has an immediately impact and naturally lowers blood pressure since –it relax your blood vessels. Before going to bed take a 500 miligrams everyday.

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Symptoms
  1. Essential oils
They can lower blood pressure and decreasing emotional stress. They are dilating arteries and act as antioxidants thus reduce oxidative stress. Use oils such as: sweet marjoram, neroli ylan ylang, frankincense, and lavender.
  1. Increase Physical Activity and Exercise
Healthy weight and lower blood pressure needs engage in some form of physical activity or one can exercise at least 20 minutes daily.

     3. Reduce Stress
reduced stress lowers high blood on its own. Don’t use tobacco, alcohol or excessive eating .Therefore practice daily relaxation techniques-deep breathing, meditation and healing prayer. These relievers will help you to relax and reduce your blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure Risk Factors & Root Causes
  • Not being physically active
People inactive tend to have higher heart rates-heart  must work harder with each contraction. Being overweight is a consequence lack of physical activity and exercise.
  • Race
African –  Americans develop high blood pressure at an  earlier age than it does in Caucasians, and stroke, kidney faliure and heart attack are more common among African- Americans.
  • Tobacco use
This immediately raises blood pressure- chemicals in tobacco damage the lining of artery walls, which causes your arteries to narrow.
  • Stress
High stress can lead to a temporary increase of blood pressure.
  • Too much alcohol
Heavy drinking more than 2 drinks a day may affect blood pressure negatively.
  • Age
As age increases high blood pressure increase .It is more common in men through age of 45 and with women after age of 65.
  • Pregnancy
Pregnancy also contributes to high blood pressure
  • Being overweight
The higher body weight more blood one need to supply oxygen and nutrients to your tissues, so it raises blood pressure.
  • Too little potassium in your diet
Mineral which helps balance sodium content of your body’s cells. Consume it often and enough; you can accumulate too much sodium in your blood stream.
  • Certain chronic conditions
Sleep apnea and kidney disease, also diabetes may increase risk of high blood pressure
  • Too much sodium in your diet
Sodium retain fluid, which increase blood pressure, thus with children is same as well. They experience high blood pressure at too young age due  to poor style of living.

Final Thoughts on High Blood Pressure Symptoms
  • Systolic blood pressure- heart beats while pumping blood.
  • Diastolic blood pressure- heart is at rest between beats.
  • Foods to avoid -alcohol, high-sodium foods, trans fats and omega-6 fats, sugar, and of course
  • foods to eat – Mediterranean diet foods, high-potassium foods, apple cider vinegar, tea and dark chocolate, high-fiber foods, omega-3 foods.
  • High blood pressure affects about 70 million U.S. adults, means one of every three American adults.
  • some warning signs for very high blood pressure Include: chest pains, ear noise or buzzing, confusion, headaches, irregular heartbeat, nosebleeds, tiredness, or vision changes.

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