Untuk dikongsi bersama..... .......
1. Bulu kening -
Menurut Bukhari, Rasullulah melaknati perempuan yang mencukur atau menipiskan bulu kening atau meminta supaya dicukurkan bulu kening - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Abu Daud Fi Fathil Bari.
2. Kaki memakai gelang berloceng -
Dan janganlah mereka (perempuan) menghentakkan kaki (atau mengangkatnya) agar diketahui perhiasan yang mereka sembunyikan - Petikan dari S ura h An-Nur Ayat 31. Keterangan : Menampakkan kaki dan menghayunkan/ melenggokkan badan mengikut hentakan kaki terutamanya pada mereka yang mengikatnya dengan loceng sama juga seperti pelacur dizaman jahiliyah.
3. Wangian -
Siapa sahaja wanita yang memakai wangi-wangian kemudian melewati suatu kaum supaya mereka itu mencium baunya, maka wanita itu telah dianggap melakukan zina dan tiap-tiap mata ada zinanya terutamanya hidung yang berserombong kapal kata orang sekarang hidong belang - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Nasaii, Ibn Khuzaimah dan Hibban.
4. Dada -
Hendaklah mereka (perempuan) melabuhkan kain tudung hingga menutupi bahagian hadapan dada-dada mereka - Petikan dari S ura h An-Nur Ayat 31.
5. Gigi -
Rasullulah melaknat perempuan yang mengikir gigi atau meminta supaya dikikirkan giginya - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat At-Thabrani, Dilaknat perempuan yang menjarangkan giginya supaya menjadi cantik, yang merubah ciptaan Allah - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim.
6. Muka dan leher -
Dan tinggallah kamu (perempuan) di rumah kamu dan janganlah kamu menampakkan perhiasan mu seperti orang jahilliah yang dahulu. Keterangan : Bersolek (make-up) dan menurut Maqatil sengaja membiarkan ikatan tudung yang menampakkan leher seperti orang Jahilliyah.
7. Muka dan Tangan -
Asma Binte Abu Bakar telah menemui Rasullulah dengan memakai pakaian yang tipis. Sabda Rasullulah: Wahai Asma! Sesungguhnya seorang gadis yang telah berhaid tidak boleh baginya menzahirkan anggota badan kecuali pergelangan tangan dan wajah saja - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Muslim dan Bukhari.
8. Tangan -
Sesungguhnya kepala yang ditusuk dengan besi itu lebih baik daripada menyentuh kaum yang bukan sejenis yang tidak halal baginya - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat At Tabrani dan Baihaqi.
9. Mata -
Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan mukmin hendaklah mereka menundukkan sebahagian dari pemandangannya - Petikan dari S ura h An Nur Ayat 31.
Sabda Nabi Muhamad SAW, Jangan sampai pandangan yang satu mengikuti pandangan lainnya. Kamu hanya boleh pandangan yang pertama sahaja manakala pandangan seterusnya tidak dibenarkan hukumnya haram - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud dan Tirmidzi.
10. Mulut (suara) -
Janganlah perempuan-perempuan itu terlalu lunak dalam berbicara sehingga berkeinginan orang yang ada perasaan serong dalam hatinya, tetapi ucapkanlah perkataan-perkataan yang baik - Petikan dari S ura h Al Ahzab Ayat 32.
Sabda SAW, Sesungguhnya akan ada umat ku yang minum arak yang mereka namakan dengan yang lain, iaitu kepala mereka dilalaikan oleh bunyi-bunyian (muzik) dan penyanyi perempuan, maka Allah akan tenggelamkan mereka itu dalam bumi - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Ibn Majah.
11. Kemaluan -
Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan mukmin, hendaklah mereka menundukkan pandangan mereka dan menjaga kehormatan mereka - Petikan dari S ura h An Nur Ayat 31.
Apabila seorang perempuan itu solat lima waktu, puasa di bulan Ramadan, menjaga kehormatannya dan mentaati suaminya, maka masuklah ia ke dalam Syurga daripada pintu-pintu yang ia kehendakinya - Hadis Riwayat Riwayat Al Bazzar.
Tiada seorang perempuanpun yang membuka pakaiannya bukan di rumah suaminya, melainkan dia telah membinasakan tabir antaranya dengan Allah - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Tirmidzi, Abu Daud dan Ibn Majah.
12. Pakaian -
Barangsiapa memakai pakaian yang berlebih-lebihan terutama yang menjolok mata , maka Allah akan memberikan pakaian kehinaan di hari akhirat nanti - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, An Nasaii dan Ibn Majah.
Petikan dari Surah Al Ahzab Ayat 59. Bermaksud : Hai nabi-nabi katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak perempuanmu dan isteri-isteri orang mukmin, hendaklah mereka memakai baju jilbab (baju labuh dan longgar) yang demikian itu supaya mereka mudah diken ali Lantaran itu mereka tidak diganggu. Allah maha pengampun lagi maha penyayang.
Sesungguhnya sebilangan ahli Neraka ialah perempuan-perempuan yang berpakaian tetapi telanjang yang condong pada maksiat dan menarik orang lain untuk melakukan maksiat. Mereka tidak akan masuk Syurga dan tidak akan mencium baunya - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim. Keterangan : Wanita yang berpakaian tipis/jarang, ketat/ membentuk dan berbelah/membuka bahagian-bahagian tertentu.
13. Rambut -
Wahai anakku Fatimah! Adapun perempuan-perempuan yang akan digantung rambutnya hingga mendidih otaknya dalam Neraka adalah mereka itu di dunia tidak mahu menutup rambutnya daripada dilihat oleh lelaki yang bukan mahramnya - Petikan dari Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
~ Kuah Dal Roti Canai (Lentil Curry) ~

Bahan2nya :
100g (3.5 oz) kacang dal
800 ml (3 1/4 cawan) air.
1/4 sudu makan kunyit
1 biji bawang besar (medium size) -dipotong kiub
1 biji carrot
1 biji terung hijau bulat - dipotong kiub
1 biji tomato medium - dipotong baji
2 cili besar hijau - dipotong setiap 2cm (3/4 inch)
100 ml santan atau susu lembu (atau air )
1 sudu kecil garam
sedikit perahan asam jawa (atau asam keping )
125 ml (1/2 cawan ) air
3 sudu besar minyak masak
1/2 sudu kecil biji sawi (Mustard seeds)
1/2 sudu kecil jintan manis
1 tangkai daun kari
2 bj. lada kering (dipotong setiap 2cm (3/4 inch)
3 bj bawang merah - dikupas dan dipotong halus
3 bj bawang putih - dikupas dan dipotong halus.
* kalau suka bubuhkan sedikit daging ayam atau 1 kiub chicken knorr)
1. Basuh dan bersihkan kacang dal beberapa kali dan masukkan ke dalam periuk bersama 800ml (3 1/4 cawan) air dan kunyit. Kalau suka masukkan ketulan ayam. Masaklah sehingga mendidih dan kemudian kecilkan api.
Biarkan di dalam api yang kecil selama 20 minit lagi. Masukkan bawang, carrot, terung dan tomato. Masak lagi selama 20 minit. , atau sehingga sayuran di dalamnya agak lembut.
2. Masukkan santan atau susu lembu dan masukkan garam. Tambah air asam jawa(agak-agak). Masak sehingga mendidih lagi sekali, kemudian perlahankan api apabila ramuan nampak agak mesra dan perlahankan api. Rasakan garamnya.Tambahkan cili hijau dan padamkan api selepas 5 minit dan asingkan
3. Panaskan sedikit minyak di kuali yang berasingan, goreng biji sawi dan jintan putih (dalam 30 saat). Masukkan daun kari, lada kering, bawan merah dan bawang putih. Masak sehingga berbau wangi dan bawang bertukar warna keperangan.
Kemudian masukkan semua gorengan ini ke dalam kuah kacang dal di periuk yang lagi satu. Panaskan api semula, kacau mesra, biarkan selama lebih kurang 5-10 minit - tutup atas periuk dan padamkan api.
~ 8 Gout-Causing Foods ~
Foods to avoid if you have gout :
Gout is an extremely painful inflammation of the joints caused by a buildup of needle-sharp uric-acid crystals.
The big toe is the most common target, but gout can attack the feet, ankles, knees, and hands as well.
An attack or “flare” can last for days or months. Men and obese people are at greater risk. If you’re prone to gout, the foods you eat—and don’t eat—play a key role in keeping your joints pain-free.
Here are eight foods to avoid :
(1) Scallops ...

Cut back on seafood and meat during a flare-up, says Lona Sandon, an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
These animal foods are rich in purines, which your body breaks down into uric acid. You have a little more freedom in your food choices when your gout is at bay, but it’s still a good idea to keep meat and seafood intake to a minimum—4 to 6 ounces daily at most.
Scallops and salmon are okay for an occasional indulgence.
(2) Herring ...

Whereas some types of seafood can be eaten once in a while, others should be off the menu completely for those who have gout.
Avoid herring, tuna, and anchovies, for example.
On the other hand, shrimp, lobster, eel, and crab are safe, says Scott Zashin, MD, a rheumatologist and clinical associate professor of medicine at UT Southwestern.
(3) Beer ...

Drinking beer is a double-whammy for gout-prone folks, Dr. Zashin says. Not only does it increase your uric-acid level, beer also makes it more difficult for your body to clear this substance from your system.
Wine is a better choice, but heavy drinking is a bad idea for everyone, and people who get gout are no exception, says Sandon, who is a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. During a flare, doctors will usually recommend that you abstain from alcohol entirely.
(4) Red meat ...

All meat is not created equal when it comes to purine content. White meat is generally better than red, but it is okay to eat some types of red meat once in a while.
You’re a bit better off if your occasional indulgence is beef or pork rather than turkey or lamb,
And lamb chops are a better choice than leg meat.
(5) Turkey ...

Turkey and goose are higher in purines than other types of food, so it's best to avoid them. And gout-prone people should also keep their intake of wild game to a minimum.
Chicken and duck are the safest choices, according to Dr. Zashin. However, leg meat is a better choice than a chicken breast with skin.
(6) Sugary drinks ....

Avoid beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, such as non-diet sodas or “fruit” drinks.
Downing these drinks isn’t just an easy way to pack on pounds; the sweeteners will stimulate the body to produce more uric acid.
A study found that men who consumed lots of fructose were at higher risk of developing gout; in 2010 that same research team reported that drinking fructose-sweetened drinks every day, compared with consuming less than one drink a month, upped women’s gout risk too.
(7) Asparagus ...

Asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, and mushrooms are higher in purines than other vegetables. But if you like these foods, there’s no reason to avoid them completely, says Sandon.
“Certainly you wouldn’t want to go wild with these high-purine vegetables, but they don’t seem to be an issue like the meats are,” she adds.
Veggie-rich diets actually help you clear purines from the body, according to Sandon, while the body seems to have an easier time excreting purines from vegetable sources.
(8) Liver ....

Organ meats, such as liver, kidneys, and sweetbreads, are a major no-no.
What to eat instead :
Feel like you’re left with nothing to eat? Not true, experts say.
There are actually several types of foods that may help protect you against gout. These include low-fat dairy foods, complex carbohydrates, coffee, and fruits, especially citrus fruits. You should also be sure to get 12 to 16 cups of fluid daily.
You don't necessarily have to drink only water (although it shouldn’t be beer!)—you can choose non-sweetened juice, tea, and coffee too.
“Any kind of fluid that keeps that blood flowing and urine flowing” is a good choice.

(green tea)
Gout is an extremely painful inflammation of the joints caused by a buildup of needle-sharp uric-acid crystals.
The big toe is the most common target, but gout can attack the feet, ankles, knees, and hands as well.
An attack or “flare” can last for days or months. Men and obese people are at greater risk. If you’re prone to gout, the foods you eat—and don’t eat—play a key role in keeping your joints pain-free.
Here are eight foods to avoid :
(1) Scallops ...

Cut back on seafood and meat during a flare-up, says Lona Sandon, an assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
These animal foods are rich in purines, which your body breaks down into uric acid. You have a little more freedom in your food choices when your gout is at bay, but it’s still a good idea to keep meat and seafood intake to a minimum—4 to 6 ounces daily at most.
Scallops and salmon are okay for an occasional indulgence.
(2) Herring ...

Whereas some types of seafood can be eaten once in a while, others should be off the menu completely for those who have gout.
Avoid herring, tuna, and anchovies, for example.
On the other hand, shrimp, lobster, eel, and crab are safe, says Scott Zashin, MD, a rheumatologist and clinical associate professor of medicine at UT Southwestern.
(3) Beer ...

Drinking beer is a double-whammy for gout-prone folks, Dr. Zashin says. Not only does it increase your uric-acid level, beer also makes it more difficult for your body to clear this substance from your system.
Wine is a better choice, but heavy drinking is a bad idea for everyone, and people who get gout are no exception, says Sandon, who is a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. During a flare, doctors will usually recommend that you abstain from alcohol entirely.
(4) Red meat ...

All meat is not created equal when it comes to purine content. White meat is generally better than red, but it is okay to eat some types of red meat once in a while.
You’re a bit better off if your occasional indulgence is beef or pork rather than turkey or lamb,
And lamb chops are a better choice than leg meat.
(5) Turkey ...

Turkey and goose are higher in purines than other types of food, so it's best to avoid them. And gout-prone people should also keep their intake of wild game to a minimum.
Chicken and duck are the safest choices, according to Dr. Zashin. However, leg meat is a better choice than a chicken breast with skin.
(6) Sugary drinks ....

Avoid beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, such as non-diet sodas or “fruit” drinks.
Downing these drinks isn’t just an easy way to pack on pounds; the sweeteners will stimulate the body to produce more uric acid.
A study found that men who consumed lots of fructose were at higher risk of developing gout; in 2010 that same research team reported that drinking fructose-sweetened drinks every day, compared with consuming less than one drink a month, upped women’s gout risk too.
(7) Asparagus ...

Asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, and mushrooms are higher in purines than other vegetables. But if you like these foods, there’s no reason to avoid them completely, says Sandon.
“Certainly you wouldn’t want to go wild with these high-purine vegetables, but they don’t seem to be an issue like the meats are,” she adds.
Veggie-rich diets actually help you clear purines from the body, according to Sandon, while the body seems to have an easier time excreting purines from vegetable sources.
(8) Liver ....

Organ meats, such as liver, kidneys, and sweetbreads, are a major no-no.
What to eat instead :
Feel like you’re left with nothing to eat? Not true, experts say.
There are actually several types of foods that may help protect you against gout. These include low-fat dairy foods, complex carbohydrates, coffee, and fruits, especially citrus fruits. You should also be sure to get 12 to 16 cups of fluid daily.
You don't necessarily have to drink only water (although it shouldn’t be beer!)—you can choose non-sweetened juice, tea, and coffee too.
“Any kind of fluid that keeps that blood flowing and urine flowing” is a good choice.

(green tea)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Bahan-bahan :
Untuk inti:
1) ½ biji kelapa parut
2) ¼ cawan gula kabung
3) ½ cawan gula pasir
4) 1 helai daun pandan
5) ¼ cawan air
Untuk kulit :
1) 1 cawan tepung gandum
2) 1 cawan jus pandan
3) ½ cawan susu segar
4) 1 biji telur
5) ½ sudu teh garam
Cara :
Untuk inti:
1) Gaulkan semua bahanbahan
inti dalam kuali dan jerangkan ke atas api yang sederhana.
2) Kacaukan inti hingga merengas dan separa kering. Angkat dan ketepikan.
Untuk kulit :
1) Satukan semua bahan di dalam mangkuk. Kacau sebati dan tapisk.
2) Panaskan kuali leper (pan) dan sapu rata dengan minyak masak/ marjerin.
3) Tuangkan sesenduk adunan dan lengganglenggangkan
kuali tadi supaya adunan rata dan
nipis. Setelah masak, angkat dan ketepikan.
4) Ratakan kulit, letak sedikit inti di tengahtengahnya.
Lipat bahagian kiri dan kanan.
Gulung kemaskemas.
Buat hingga habis.
2 cawan biji sagu (rendam dulu selama 1 jam untuk kembangkan biji sagu)
1 1/2 cawan gula
3 sudu besar perisa sirap ros/ pewarna merah
2 cawan air
Kelapa parut ambil yang putihnya saja
Secubit garam
Cara Membuatnya:
1. Sejat sagu yang direndam tadi. Masukkan ke dalam periuk bersama 2 cawan air.
2. Masukkan gula dan perisa sirap ros menggunakan api yang perlahan kerana sagu mudah
melekat pada periuk jika api besar. Kacau tanpa henti hingga ia menjadi pekat.
3. Kacau sehingga sagu kelihatan berkilat.
Jika terlalu keras hingga sukar nak kacau,tambah air sedikit dan kacau lagi. Tutupkan api.
4. Tuang ke dalam bekas dan sejukkan.Potong mengikut citarasa.
Gaulkan kuih dengan kelapa parut yang telah digaul garam.
Monday, December 6, 2010
~ MASALA POORI (Spiced Flatbread) ~
2 cups whole wheat flour (atta)
a few tbsp of all-purpose flour, as needed
¼ tsp turmeric (haldi) (kunyit)
½ tsp ground coriander powder (serbuk ketumbar)
½ tsp ground cumin powder (jintan manis/putih)
¼ tsp red chili powder, to taste (serbuk cili)
½ tsp ajwain (biji karambol)
pinch of asafetida (hing)
salt to taste
oil for deep frying
water as needed
In a large wide mixing bowl, combine the whole wheat flour with the spices (turmeric, ground coriander powder, ground cumin powder, red chili powder, ajwain, asafetida & salt. Mix together and slowly add the water while kneading until a soft dough is formed. If the dough is sticky, add a little all-purpose flour.
Then using a clean work surface sprinkled with some all-purpose flour, gently knead the dough and divide it equally into round balls (roughly ping pong ball size). At this point, you can use a poori machine (similar to a tortilla press) or a rolling pin to make the pooris. Roll them out evenly into round circles (4-5 inches in diameter).
Heat a deep skillet with enough oil to deep fry. When hot, carefully add the pooris (2-3 at a time) and fry until golden brown. You may need to fry them in batches. Drain well and serve immediately with your favorite chutney and yogurt.
Feel free to add some freshly chopped mint leaves to make delicious Pudina Masala Poori (Minty Masala Poori).
Friday, December 3, 2010
~ Black Sesame Seeds Bun ~

*Untuk Doh*
250gram tepung roti
2 sudu besar bread improver
3 sudu besar bijan hitam
1 sudu besar skim milk@susu tepung
1 sudu besar gula
1/2 biji telur
1 1/2 sudu besar butter ( boleh ganti dengan marjerin atau shortening)
110ml susu segar ( atau air suam)
1 1/2 sudu kecil yis
*untuk topping*
sedikit bijan hitam
* Untuk Gliss* - baki telur+beberapa titik madu+1/2 sudu kecil susu segar
1. Buat doh roti, Kaedah 1, penggunaan Bread Maker (BM), masukkan semua bahan Doh dan ikut arahan menguli pada BM masing-masing dan tekan Start, tunggu sampai siap di uli dan boleh terus ke langkah no. 4 di bawah.
2. Kaedah 2, Jika uli tangan, masukkan semua bahan doh dan uli hingga tidak melekat pada tangan, Tips untuk dapat doh yang lembut, ambil plastic bersih dah letakkkan doh di dalam plastic tu, ramas-ramas beberapa minit, lebih kurang 5 hingga 10 minit, keluarkan dan uli semula dalam bekas adunan, anda akan dapat doh yang lembut dan elastik.
3. Kemudian perap doh dan tutup bekas adunan dengan plastic wrap dan biar doh naik dua kali ganda. Selepas itu tumbuk-tumbukkan doh bagi mengeluarkan angin.
4. Bahagi doh pada 6 bahagian kecil dan bulatkan, biarkan naik dua kali ganda, boleh juga dibentuk memanjang seperti roti hotdog.
5. Setelah bun naik dua kali ganda, gliss pemukaan bun dan taburkan bijan hitam, gliss sekali lagi bagi memastikan bijan hitam melekat.
6. Akhir sekali, bakar pada suhu 180 darjah selama 20 ke 23 minit atau sehingga permukaan bun perang. Setelah siap dibakar glis pemukaan roti dengan butter untuk bun lebih berkilat, sejukkan atas redai dan simpan di dalam bekas bertutup, bagi mengekalkan kelembutan bun.
7. Cara Penyediaan-Bun dibelah dua dan letakkan burger ayam@daging, salad dan tomato, bolehjuga diganti dengan tuna+mayonis. Selamat Mencuba.

1/2 kilo beras pulut
3 camca serbuk kunyit
2 keping asam gelugur
Air secukupnya utk merendam pulut
2 cawan santan
2 camca garam
1 sudu besar gula
1. Rendam pulut dengan serbuk kunyit dan asam gelugur selama lebih dari satu jam.
2. Sesekali hendaklah dikacau supaya rata salutan warna kuning pada beras pulut.
3. Alas loyang pengukus dengan daun pisang atau daun pandan. Tuangkan beras pulut.
4. Kukus sehingga asap keluar dari penutup kukusan.
5. Keluarkan loyang dan gaulkan santan yg telah dicampur garam dan gula.
6. Kukus semula hingga pulut masak dan elok lembutnya. Sesekali elok digaul pulut
di dalam loyang menggunakan senduk kayu supaya rata masaknya.
7. Angkat loyang kukusan. Pulut boleh dihidang dengan rendang daging atau ayam.
~ Roti Goreng ~

Beberapa keping roti, dipotong 4
3 senduk tepung gandum
2 biji telur
Air secukupnya
Garam secukup rasa
Minyak utk menggoreng
Cara-cara :
1. Bancuh tepung dengan semua bahan2 lain kecuali roti.
*Jika suka boleh juga dimasukkan hirisan bawang besar.
2. Kacau hingga sebati.
3. Panaskan minyak utk menggoreng.
4. Celupkan roti ke dalam bancuhan tepung dan goreng seperti biasa hingga kekuningan.
5. Sedap dimakan bersama sos cili.

Ingredients :
300gm wet yellow noodles
200gm medium size prawns, discard shells but leave the entrails
100gm beef, cut into thin slices
4 cloves garlics, crushed
1 tblspn chillie paste
1 tblspn oyster sauce
2 tblspn soya sauce (I use kicap kipas udang)
1 tblspn tomato sauce
1 tblpn chillie sauce
1 teaspn blackpepper
10 fishballs
1 fishcake
2 stalks mustard leaves (sawi)
carrots, cut thinly
Instructions :
1. Saute garlics over low heat, once soften immediately add in black pepper. Stir until fragrant. Add chillie paste and cook for 3 mins.
2. Add beef, saute until withered. Pour some water and let cook for 10 mins or until beef softened.
3. Add in oyster sauce, soya sauce, chillie sauce and tomato sauce.
4. Add some more water enough to soak the noodle later. Once boiling, add vegetables.
5. Add noodles and salt to taste.
6. While still boiling, break an egg on to the gravy but do not stir. Let the egg hardened then serve immediately.
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bahannya :
1 bungkus kuey teow
3 ulas bawang putih
2 cili api
1 1/2 sudu tom yam paste
2 sudu besar sos tiram
250 gm kerang
2 biji telur
1 cawan air
sedikit taugeh / kucai / kobis / bronkoli
Caranya :
1. bawang putih dan cili api di tumbuk hancur.
2. panaskan minyak, masukkan yg ditumbuk tadi.
3. masukkan kerang dan air ...... kemudian tom yam paste.
4. bubuh sos tiram, kacau bagi rata.
5. pecahkan telur dan kacau bagi sedikit masak.
6. kemudian masukkan kuey teow, kacau perlahan ... masukkan taugeh atau
sayur yg disediakan.
7. padamkan api ... jgn biarkan lama, nanti layu sayur.
~ Fruity Soya Bean Jelly ~

What You Need :
500ml Water
30g Agar-agar strands
2 Pandan leaves, knotted
1 litre Soya bean drink
1 tin Mixed fruit cocktail, well drained
Make It :
1. In a saucepan, put water, agar-agar and pandan leaves; bring to boil. Simmer until agar-agar dissolved.
2. Add soya bean milk and bring to boil. Switch off heat, stir well to mix allow to cool slightly.
3. Place fruit cocktail in a jelly mould and pour over soya bean agar-agar. Leave to set and chill well before serving.
~ Peanut Butter Cookies ~

What You Need :
120g Self-raising flour, sifted
⅔ cup NESTLÉ® Corn Flakes, finely ground
½ cup Roasted peanuts, finely ground
150g Smooth peanut butter
½ cup Caster sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 Egg yolk
½ cup NESTLÉ® Low Fat Milk
1 Egg, beaten
Make It :

# Mix together flour, NESTLÉ® Corn Flakes and peanuts, then set aside.
# Cream peanut butter, sugar and essence until fluffy. Add egg and beat well. Fold in flour mixture alternating with NESTLÉ® Low Fat Milk to form a soft dough.
# Roll out dough into 1cm thickness. Cut into desired shape using cookie cutter.
# Lightly brush top with beaten egg and place on lightly greased baking trays, allow room for spreading.
# Bake in preheated oven at 180ºC for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Remove from oven and let stand for 20 minutes.
Ingredients :
250g high protein flour (I used allpurpose flour)
1/2 teaspoon instant dried yeast
1/2 teaspoon bread improver
50g sugar
20g milk powder
100 ml fresh milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
50g butter
1 egg
75g water roux*
1 recipe Naisu*
Method : (Breadmaker method)
1. Pour fresh milk into the breadmaker pan. Add in salt, sugar, egg and water roux.
2. Top it with sifted flour, milk powder, dry yeast and bread improver.
3. Set the Breadmaker to Dough function.
4. Once the dough is just combined, add in butter and leave the Breadmaker to continue doing it's job. This process will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
5. Remove dough from BM and punch down to release the air. Cut the dough 60g portion each. (next time round, I am going to cut the dough into 35g portions to get a cuter sized Naisu Buns). Make into round balls and leave to rest for 15 minutes.
6. Flatten the balls and spread the Naisu on top. Roll the dough. Fold in half and cut in the middle. Open it to form a flower shape and place in a muffin cup lined with papercups.
7. Leave to proof till double the size.
8. Spirinkle with a bit of water just before putting the buns into the preheated oven at 180 C. Bake for 20 minutes or till golden brown.
9. Brush with a bit of butter, once out of the oven.

Ingredients :
55g unsalted butter (I used margarine)
25g castor sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
25g egg
2 1/2 teaspoon cornflour/Maziena
65g milk powder
45g raisins (I omit this)
Method :
1. Beat butter till soft. Add in castor sugar and continue mixing.
2. Add in salt and egg. Continue stirring.
3. Add in cornflour and milk powder. Mix well.
4. Ready to use.
Source : The Wandering Gourmet
(Yields about 520g Water roux)
Water Roux Starter is something used in bread making to make bread/buns springy. The springiness is fairly noticeable when you have let the bread/buns cool. Just poke your finger against the bun, you’ll see it is springy – causing people young-at-heart to go, “Whee!” *ahem* To make the Water Roux Starter, you need 1 part flour, 5 parts water.
Ingredients :
50g flour
250g water
1. Whisk the flour and water that you have decided to use in a bowl until it is whisked well and is free of lumps.
2. Put it on the stove and warm it up for 2-3 minutes at 65C. Be careful not to burn it!
3. Cover it with plastic wrap and store it in the fridge.
When using it, make sure it is at room temperature. The Water Roux Starter lasts for 3 days before it goes off.

Ingredients :
140 ml water
1 egg
30g caster sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon bread softener
250g high protein flour
50g superfine flour
2-1/2 tablespoons milk powder (I used Fernleaf)
1-1/2 teaspoon dried instant yeast
30g margarine, at room temperature
enough sausages
enough chocolate filling
red cherries and sesame seeds for decoration
For glazing :
1 egg + 1 tablespoon fresh milk
margarine - for brushing after the buns are out of the oven
Method (using bread maker) :
1. Pour water, egg, sugar, salt and bread softener into the bread maker pan. Top it with high protein flour, superfine flour, milk powder and yeast.
2. Set the breadmaker to Dough function.
3. Once the dough is just combined, add in butter and leave the Breadmaker to continue doing it's job. This process will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
4. Divide the dough to 55g each and shape into small balls.
5. Let them rest for 10 minutes.
6. Ready to be shaped. Let rise until almost doubled in volume.
7. Before baking, brush the dough with egg wash.
8. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 C, or until the bread is golden in color.
9. Once out of the oven, brush with a bit of margarine.
10. Let cool. Keep in an airtight container.
~ Soft Bun ~

290 ml air suam (140 ml air suam)
600 gram tepung roti (300 gm tepung roti)
5 sudu teh yis (2 1/2 sudu teh yis)
30 gram shortening (1 sudu teh shortening)
30 gram butter (15 gm butter)
1 biji telur saiz A (1 biji telur)
2 sudu teh garam (sikit garam)
80 gram gula halus (40 gm gula halus)
30 gram susu tepung (15 gm susu tepung)
2 sudu teh bread softner (1 sudu teh bread softner)
Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam breadmaker.
Setelah siap, bahagikan adunan kepada bentuk bulat. Dan biarkan ia naik sekali ganda.
Taburkan bijan ke atasnya.
Bakar hingga masak.
Setelah masak, keluarkan dan sapu mentega ke atas permukaan roti.
-Boleh letak apa-apa inti yang disukai ke dalam roti ini.
~ Apom Cream Soda ~

Bahan-bahan ( satu adunan utk 5 org makan )
* 1 cawan air Ice Cream Soda (yg dlm tin biru tu)
* 3 cawan Tepung Gandum
* 1 sudu makan Esen Vanilla
* 1 gelas Gula Icing (gula ikut rasa)
* 1 sudu makan Ovallette
* 3 biji Telur
1. Pukul telur dengan gula icing, ovallette & esen vanilla sampai puteh. (mengambil masa yg lama utk pukul, kalau tidak apam tidak akan senyum) hehehe
2. Lepas itu, baru masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit di selang seli dgn air ice cream soda tadi. Pukul Lagi.
3. Kaup kan adunan asal ke dalam mangkuk kertas, dan sebahagian lagi adunan bewarna. Setelah itu masukkan kedalam acuan apam senyum. (saya gunakan yg aluminium, plastik pun bole)
Atau masukkan dlm loyang dan kukus..selang seli dgn warna kesukaan.
~ Roti Chocolate ~

* 200 gram tepung roti
* 50 gram tepung gandum
* 1 sudu besar butter atau marjerin
* 140 ml susu segar
* 1 sudu kecil yis
* 2 sudu besar gula
* 1/2 sudu kecil garam
* 1 sudu kecil bread improver
* 1 sudu besar serbuk koko dibancuh dengan sedikit air
1. masukkan semua bahan kecuali serbuk koko, uli sampai tak melekat pada jari.
2. perap doh selama 40 minit. kemudian tumbuk-tumbukkan doh tadi, keluarkan angin.
3. Bahagi doh pada tiga bahagian. satu bahagian masukkan bacuhan koko tadi, kalau telembik buleh tambah sedikit tepung dan uli macam biasa. pastika adunan betul betul sebati ye. warna sekata untuk doh coklat tu.
4. susun selang seli 3 doh tadi dalam bekas .
Biarkan naik dua kali ganda dan bakar pada suhu 160 darjah selama 25 minit atau hingga permukaan nya perang.
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