Friday, November 29, 2013

Whipped-Cream Frosting


Making whipped cream frosting, we have to use non-dairy whipping cream.

  • 3 cups heavy or whipping cream
  • 5 Tbs. granulated sugar
  • 1-1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

    Chill the bowl and whisk attachment of a stand mixer for 20 min. in the refrigerator or 5 min. in the freezer. Pour the heavy cream into the bowl and whisk on medium-high speed until it just starts to thicken. Slow the speed down to medium and gradually pour in the sugar. Continue to whisk until soft peaks form.
    Add the vanilla extract and continue to whisk by hand until the cream is smooth, and stiff peaks form (the cream will stand up straight when the whisk is raised).

    Raspberry or Strawberry Whipped Cream: Instead of vanilla, add 2-1/4 cups raspberry or strawberry purée (purée the fruit in a blender and strain) to the cream when you add the sugar. Increase sugar to 7 Tbs. Before you begin whisking by hand, taste and adjust the flavoring. (Note: the purée increases the amount of whipped cream, so you may not need it all; save the extra for topping other desserts.)

    Lemon Whipped Cream: Instead of vanilla, add 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 Tbs. finely grated lemon zest to the cream when you add the sugar. Increase sugar to 8 Tbs. Before you begin whisking by hand, taste and adjust the flavoring.

    Orange Whipped Cream: Instead of vanilla, add 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice and 1 tablespoon finely grated orange zest to the cream when you add the sugar. Before you begin whisking by hand, taste and adjust the flavoring.
      Chocolate Whipped Cream: Omit vanilla and increase sugar to 6 Tbs. After soft peaks form, turn off the mixer and add 1/4 cup sifted unsweetened cocoa powder, preferably Dutch-processed. Whisk by hand until the cream is smooth, and stiff peaks form. Let the cream sit in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to dissolve the cocoa. Whisk briefly before using.

    Mocha Whipped Cream: Omit vanilla and increase sugar to 6 Tbs. After soft peaks form, turn off the mixer and add 1/4 cup sifted unsweetened cocoa powder, preferably Dutch-processed, and 2 Tbs. instant espresso dissolved in 2 Tbs. boiling water. Whisk by hand until the cream is smooth, and stiff peaks form. Let the cream sit in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to dissolve the cocoa. Whisk briefly before using.

Perihal Krim Putar atau Whipping Cream

Whipping Cream atau krim putar  terdiri daripada 2 jenis iaitu
  • Non-Dairy Whipping Cream  (sesuai untuk topping atau hiasan)
  • Dairy Whipping Cream. (sesuai utk buat pemanis mulut/masakan dlm kek)
Perbezaan diantaranya adalah kandungan lelemak (fats content) yang ada di dalamnya. Untuk menghias kek sebaiknya menggunakan Non-Dairy Whipping Cream.

Non-Dairy Whipping Cream
Non-Dairy Whipping Cream (atau juga dikenali sebagai Fresh Cream @ Whip Topping For Cakes and Pastries @ Whipped Topping @ Whipped Cream) adalah krim yang dibuat khas untuk hiasan kek. Ia dirumus daripada minyak sayuran dan minyak kelapa sawit dan tidak mengandungi bahan tenusu. Ini menjadikan ia lebih stabil, maknanya corak-corak yang dipaip menggunakan krim ini tahan seminggu tanpa kehilangan bentuknya. Ia akan kembang 3-4x ganda dari kuantiti cecair asalnya jika dipukul, jadi jangan dituang lebih dari 20% dari saiz mangkuk mixer anda. Ia juga menghasilkan kuantiti yang banyak. 1 liter krim ini boleh menyalut dan menghias 3 biji kek bersaiz 8 inci (lebih kurang 300g krim dalam bentuk cecair). Sebelum digunakan kotak krim harus digoncang supaya sebati (kadang-kadang air dan krim di dalam kotak akan terpisah semasa proses nyahbeku dari freezer) dan pukul pada kelajuan yang tinggi hingga kembang dan gebu.

  • Cara guna:
Selalunya krim jenis ini sudah ada perasa gula, jadi apa yang perlu anda lakukan adalah colek sedikit rasa kemanisannya, tak perlu ditambah gula. Jika tak cukup maka boleh tambah gula halus dan pukul. Jangan terlebih putar kerana ia akan menghasilkan krim yang kasar dan sukar untuk dilepa di atas kek. Cukup memadai jika ia kembang, gebu dan likat. Jika anda terlebih pukul krim putar jenis bukan tenusu ini, masukkan sedikit krim (yang masih dalam bentuk cecair) ke dalam krim yang terlebih pukul tadi. Pukul pada kelajuan perlahan hingga krim menjadi lebih cair dan halus (seeloknya keluarkan separuh krim yang terlebih pukul tadi dan simpan dalam freezer untuk elak pembaziran. Guna sebanyak mana yang perlu saja)                

  • Mewarna:
Jenis non-dairy whipping cream ini juga boleh diwarnakan sebaik saja dipukul dengan kembang dan gebu. Ambil sedikit pewarna cecair atau serbuk (biasa saya guna pewarna cecair) dan kacau dengan perlahan guna sudu (bagi kuantiti yang sedikit). Simpan dalam peti sejuk sebentar untuk 'mematangkan' warna kerana dari permerhatian saya, krim yang diwarnakan dan dibiarkan untuk sehari atau beberapa jam lebih terang dan cerah berbanding jika digunakan terus. Ini juga dapat mengelakkan kita dari terlebih letak pewarna dan menambahkan kuantiti cecair dalam krim. Ia juga akan lebih mudah digunakan selepas dibiarkan dalam peti sejuk.

  • Penyimpanan:
Krim yang telah dipukul sebaiknya disimpan selama sehari dalam peti sejuk. Keesokkannya boleh gunakan untuk menghias cupcakes ataupun kek. Tips ini supaya anda dapat krim yang lebih mantap atau juga boleh terus digunakan.  Bergantung kepada jenama krim yang digunakan, kebanyakannya boleh tahan 6 bulan setelah dipukul hingga gebu dan disimpan dalam bekas kedap udara di dalam freezer (contohnya jenama Flavor Right ) Walau bagaimanapun, elok jika anda tanya si penjual di kedai bakeri supplier untuk keterangan yang lebih tepat.

  • Jenis/Jenama:
Antara contoh jenama atau jenis non-dairy whipping cream/whip topping/fresh cream yang boleh didapati di pasaran di Malaysia adalah seperti Rich's Whip Topping (Gold Label), Red Man Whip Topping for Cakes and Pastries, Anchor Baker's Mix Krim Putar untuk Hiasan Atas Bukan Tenusu/Non-dairy Whip Topping, Value Pride Ready To Whip Topping, Flavor Right Premium Dessert and Pasrty Topping, Vivo Topping Ace, Presto Toppin' Pride Ready To Whip Topping, dan lain-lain. 

Presto Toppin' Pride Ready to Whip Topping (picture courtesy of Google)

Vivo Topping Ace keluaran Singapore – yang biasa saya gunakan  dan sekarang dah berubah warna(picture courtesy of Google)

Value Pride Ready To Whip Topping (picture courtesy of Google)

Red Man Whip Topping for Cakes and Pastries (picture courtesy of Google)

Rich's Whip Topping (Gold Label) (picture courtesy of Google)

Flavor Right Premium Dessert and Pastry Topping (picture courtesy of Google)
Anchor Baker's Mix Krim Putar untuk Hiasan Atas Bukan Tenusu/Non-dairy Whip Topping (picture courtesy of Google)
  • Harga:
Bergantung juga pada jenama, sesetengahnya lebih mudah digunakan untuk paip hiasan atas kek dan lebih tahan pada suhu bilik berbanding yang lain. Bergantung pada anda untuk memilih yang mana satu. Harga di pasaran bagi 1liter whip topping antara RM10-RM12, juga bergantung pada tempat. Salah satu tip untuk memilih whipping cream untuk hiasan atas kek adalah lihat pada labelnya. Jika tertera perkataan 'for topping', 'whip topping' atau 'non-dairy', ia sesuai digunakan untuk hiasan.

Dairy Whipping Cream @ UHT Whipping Cream
Dairy Whipping Cream atau UHT whipping cream adalah merupakan hasil tenusu dan mengandungi kandungan lemak yang lebih berbanding dengan Non-Dairy Whipping Cream (35 % lemak susu).
  • Kegunaan:
TIRAMISU (Gambar contoh)

Ia sesuai digunakan dalam masakan-masakan Barat, membuat kek seperti tiramisu (kerana lebih lemak berkrim dan tidak manis) atau hiasan mudah untuk aiskrim atau pencuci mulut ala Barat. Ia hendaklah dipukul dengan kelajuan sederhana hingga ia menjadi kental dan bolehlah dimasukkan dalam masakan-masakan tersebut. Tetapi krim ini tidak sesuai untuk hiasan kek seperti Black Forest dan lain-lain kerana warnanya kekuningan dan kurang stabil. Ini bermakna ia tidak boleh mengekalkan bentuknya dalam masa yang lama dan mudah cair pada suhu bilik.

Dairy Whipping Cream (yang juga dikenali sebagai Thick Cream atau Double Cream) tidak sesuai untuk dibuat hiasan kek kerana faktor-faktor yang saya telah jelaskan diatas. Krim ini terdapat dalam pelbagai jenama dan boleh didapati di pasaraya-pasaraya besar.
Selain itu, whipping cream atau thick/double cream kerap digunakan dalam pembuatan kek untuk digunakan sebagai thickening agent (ejen pemekat). Ia boleh digantikan (substitute) dengan bahan lain, namun tidak boleh digantikan sebarangan kerana dikhuatiri akan menjejaskan kuantiti cecair dalam masakan.
  • Penyimpanan dan cara guna:
Seperti non-dairy whipping, krim jenis ini perlu disimpan di dalam freezer. Gunakan sebelum tarikh luput yang tertera pada kotak krim tersebut. Sebaiknya sebelum putarkan krim, simpan bekas mixer, beaters dan krim putar di dalam peti sejuk bahagian bawah. Ini kerana krim putar akan lebih mudah mengembang dalam keadaan yang sejuk. Kek yang menggunakan krim putar jenis tenusu ini (contoh: triffle atau tiramisu) mudah cair pada suhu bilik, jadi sebaiknya simpan kek tersebut dalam peti sejuk dan keluarkan ketika hendak dihidangkan sahaja.
  • Jenis/Jenama:
Antara contoh jenama Dairy Whipping Cream yang selalu kita jumpa di pasaran di Malaysia adalah Anchor UHT Whipping Cream, Emborg Whipping Cream, Arla Whipping Cream, President UHT Whipping Cream dan lain-lain. di pasaran di Malaysia adalah dalam RM15-RM16 bagi 1liter cecair; walau bagaimanapun ia bergantung pada tempat.

  • Jika terlebih pukul:
Jangan terlebih pukul adunan whipping cream kerana ia akan cair semula, dan boleh 'seperate' atau terpisah, menghasilkan butter (yang berupa gumpalan berwarna kuning pucat) dan buttermilk (cecair yang putih-kekuningan). Jika ini terjadi, jangan dibuang. Sebaiknya tapis dan gunakan homemade 'butter' anda itu untuk melepa roti dan gunakan cecair buttermilk yang terhasil untuk menggantikan susu segar atau cecair di dalam sesuatu resepi contoh pancake, kek, biskut dan lain-lain. Buttermilk rasa seakan susu basi kerana kemasamannya, namun ia akan menghasilkan kek yang lembut dan gebu kerana tindakbalas kimia antara buttermilk (asid) dengan leavening agent seperti soda bikarbonat (alkali).
Contoh website untuk membuat homemade butter dan buttermilk guna whipping cream atau di sini.

Arla Whipping Cream (picture courtesy of Google)

Anchor UHT Whipping Cream (picture courtesy of Google)

President UHT Whipping Cream (picture courtesy of Google)
Emborg Whipping Cream (picture courtesy of Google)


Thursday, November 28, 2013


Ingredients :

500g high protein flour (4 cups flour)
50g milk powder (1/2 cups)
250ml chilled water (1 cup)
11g instant dried yeast
120g castor sugar  (1/2 cups of sugar)
a few drops of yellow food coloring
100g margarine (1/2 cups )

Method :

1. Gease all the baking tins thoroughly. I used vegetable shortening. Keep aside
2. Place all ingredents except margarine in a mixing bowl.
3. Fasten the dough hook onto the mixer and start kneading.
4. Once the ingrediets have just combined, add in the margarine. Knead till a soft and shiny dough is formed.
5. Remove from the bowl and rest the dough for about 10 minutes.
6. Divide the dough into a 27g balls. Shape it nicely and arrange in the prepared tins.
7. Cover the tins and leave the dough to rise till almost double the size.
8. Mix a bit of milk powder with a bit of water and brush lightly on top of the dough.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 C for 15 to 20 minutes. Oven temperature and baking time may vary, depending on your oven.
10. Once baked, remove from the oven and onto a wire rack to cool.

Whipping Cream Pound Cake

whipping cream pound cake recipe

  • 3 sticks (1½ cups) unsalted butter, softened 
  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 6 eggs, room temperature
  • 3 cups cake flour, sifted
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • ½ -1 teaspoon almond extract
  • ½ teaspoon lemon extract
  1. In a large bowl cream the butter with the sugar until well combined (about 5 minutes)
  2. Add the eggs one at a time and mix completely after each egg.
  3. Alternate adding the flour and heavy whipping cream, mixing thoroughly after each addition.
  4. Stir in the extracts.
  5. Grease and flour a 9.5 bundt pan.
  6. Spoon the batter into the pan and jiggly the pan to even out the batter when done.
  7. Place into a cold oven on the middle rack and turn the oven to 325.
  8. Bake for 1 hour and 20-30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.
  9. Let cake cool in the pan for a fe minutes before removing to finish cooling on a cooling rack.
  10. Serve and enjoy!
Be sure to MIX WELL!! The eggs are the leavening in this cake and all the mixing creates the air that is needed.


Cream Cheese Pound Cake

3 cups (390 grams) all purpose flour
1 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups (340 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature
1-8 ounce (226 grams) package cream cheese, room temperature
2  cups (550 grams) granulated white sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
Zest (outer skin) of one lemon or orange (optional)
6 large eggs, room temperature

Method :

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C) and place oven rack in center of oven. Butter and flour (or spray with a non stick spray that contains flour) a 10 inch (25 cm) bundt pan. 
In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. 

In the bowl of your electric mixer (with the paddle attachment), or with a hand mixer, beat the butter and cream cheese until smooth. Gradually add the sugar, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. Continue beating on medium-high speed until light and fluffy (about 5 minutes). Add the vanilla and lemon zest and beat until incorporated. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed. Add the flour mixture, in three additions, and mix just until incorporated. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top. Bake for about 55 - 70 minutes or until the cake is golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Remove the cake from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool for about 20 - 30 minutes so it has time to set. Remove the cake from the pan to finish cooling. This cake will keep about 3 to 4 days at room temperature and about one week in the refrigerator. Can also be frozen.

Kek Kukus Buah Berkeju

  • 240 g tepung gandum* (angaran 2 cawan)
  • 1 1/2 camca teh serbuk penaik*(*digaul dan ayak)
  • 250 g gula halus
  • 250 g mentega
  • 230 g cream cheese
  • 4 biji telur gred A (berat kurang lebih 60 g sebiji)
  • 1 1/2 camca teh esen vanilla
  • 140 g tepung gandum* (yang berasingan dari tepung di atas ya..)
  • 300 g buah2an campuran (mix fruit)*
  • 50 g kacang walnut, cincang kasar*(*disatukan dan gaul hingga rata)
  1.  Lenser tin  dengan mentega dan alas dasarnya dengan kertas minyak. Ketepikan
  2. Dalam mixing bowl, satukan mentega dan cream cheese, pukul hingga rata.
  3. Masukkan gula dan esen vanilla. Pukul hingga putih.
  4. Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil terus memukul hingga kembang dan gebu.
  5. Perlahankan speed, masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis.
  6. Akhir sekali masukkan buah2an yg telah digaul dengan tepung, hingga habis. Gaul rata.
  7. Tuang adunan ke dalam tin kek dan ratakan.
  8. Kukus- 55 minit. (*Periksa dengan kaedah mencucuk lidi satu ke bahagian tengah kek dan jika keluar bersih, bermakna kek telah masak).
  9. Keluarkan kek dan sejukkan 10 minit sebelum diterbalikkan ke atas jaringan. Sejukkan kek sepenuhnya sebelum dipotong...



    1 cawan butter
    1 cawan gula halus
    2 biji telor
    1 sudu teh baking powder
    21/2 cawan tepung gandum / tepung kek
    1 sudu teh esen vanila
    Sedikit pewarna kuning
    1 cawan buah2an campur

    Cara2 membuatnya :

    Pukul butter dan gula hingga kembang...masukkan baking powder, telur, esen vanilla dan pewarna kuning...pukul lagi sehingga gebu dan kembang.
    Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit di selang seli dengan buah2an campuran tadi...gaul biar sebati.
    Sediakan loyang yang telah di sapu dengan sedikit butter ....
    Selepas itu, masukkan adunan kek tadi ke dalam loyang dan kukus sehingga masak.

Kek Kukus Marble


Bahan-Bahan (Loyang 7x7x3)

  • 1 cawan mentega
  • ¾ cawan gula kastor
  • 3 biji telur
  • ¼ cawan susu pekat
  • ¼ cawan serikaya
  • 1½ cawan tepung gandum
  • 1 sudu kecil serbuk penaik
  • 1 sudu kecil vanila
  • Sedikit pewarna merah jambu, hijau atau pewarna kegemaran
Cara membuat
  1. Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan telur satu persatu dan pukul sebati.
  2. Masukkan susu pekat, serikaya dan vanila. Kacau rata dan bubuh tepung gandum bercampur serbuk penaik.
  3. Bila sebati, bahagikan kepada 3 bahagian dan letak pewarna/perisa setiap adunan.
  4. Sudukan selang seli ke dalam loyang yang sudah dilengser dengan marjerin dan alas dasarnya dengan kertas kalis minyak. Tutup dngn aluminium foil dan kukus selama 1 jam atau hingga masak.
* Untuk kek lebih lembut, tambah 2-3 sudu besar susu segar/cair. Jika bahagi ke dlm mangkuk2 kecil, masa mengukus lebih pendek.

Friday, November 22, 2013


 Bahan A:
250g cream cheese
50g butter
100 ml susu segar (fresh milk)
6 biji kuning telur
1 camb jus lemon
1/4 camt garam
60g tepung kek / tepung superfine
20g tepung jagung (cornflour/cornstarch)

Bahan B:
140g gula (granulated sugar)
6 biji putih telur
3/4 camt jus lemon
1 sudu kecil krim of tartar

1. Cairkan cream cheese, butter & susu dengan teknik double boiler.
2. Bila dah cair, sejukkan adunan cream cheese tu tadi.
3. Kemudian, campurkan tepung, tepung jagung, kuning telur, garam & jus
lemon ke dalam adunan cream cheese & gaul hingga sebati.
4. Dalam bekas lain, pukul putih telur bersama krim tartar, sampai
berbuih-buih (foamy).
5. Lepas tu, tambahkan gula & pukul lagi sampai bertanduk (soft peak).
6. Campurkan adunan Bahan A tadi ke dalam adunan Bahan B yang dah
gebu tu & kacau sampai sebati.
7. Sediakan tin/bekas kek yang bulat berukuran 8 inci, yang digriskan
bawahnya & tepi tu salut dengan kertas baking.
8. Tuang adunan kek dalam tin kek. Bakar kek dalam kira-kira sejam,
dengan cara au bain-marie (waterbath), pd 160°C



Bottom layer
2 cups glutinous rice - washed and soak for 3 hours
2 1/4 cup thin coconut milk
salt to taste

Method :

Mix together the above ingredients and pour into a baking tin, layered with cling film. Steam for 20 minutes or till cooked. Cover the steamer's lid with towel to avoid water dripping into the tin.

Top layer

2 cups thick coconut milk
1/2 cup pandan juice + green food coloring
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons custard powder
3 tablespoons flour
1 large egg
salt to taste

Method :

1. Mix all the ingredients together except sugar. Stir to mix and put through a sieve. Add sugar and continue stirring.
2. Gently pour the mixture onto the bottom layer and steam for another 30 minutes.
3. Remove from steamer and leave to cool.
4. Cut using a plastic knife and ready to serve.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Limau nipis 8 biji.
daun pndan 10 helai

hiris halus mcm bunga rampai.. Perah limau nipis tadi.. Gaulkan smpai sebati.. New chemical akan terbentuk..

 Sapu di muka.. Kalau sesuai.. X sampai 5 minit ulat resdung akan keluar ikut kulit muka.. Paling bnyk akan keluar ikut kening..kalau sangkut tarik jeer ulat tu.. . 

 Buat 3 kali seminggu.. Elok antara jam 10am -3 ptg sbb virus tu tgh aktif.. Campuran lebih blh simpan dlm peti x se efective yg fresh.. Elok letak kain hitam atas peha masa sapu sbb ulat ni attacted to black cloth... Kain hitam

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Kek Coklat Yogurt Mayonis .....


2 cawan tepung gandum
1\2 cawan serbuk koko
1 biji telur
3\4 cawan gula
1 penutup (2 sudu kecil)  esen vanila
200ml susu segar@bancuhan susu tepung
2 sudu besar mayonis
2 sudu besar plain@natural yogurt
3 sudu besar butter ( kemudian dicairkan)
2 sudu kecil baking powder
1 sudu kecil baking soda
( sedikit coklat cip atau coklat urai sebagi hiasan)

(untuk coklat ganache : 50gram coklat masakan dimasak bersama 100ml fresh cream dan cairkan menggunakan double boiler)

1. Ayak tepung gandum, baking powder,baking soda dan serbuk koko ketepikan. ( kalau ayak dua kali, lagi bagus).

2. masukkan gula dan susu segar dalam bekas adunan dan kacau sebati menggunakan hand whisker , kemudian masukkan sebiji telur dan kacau lagi.

3. Kemudian masukkan tepung yang di ayak tadi sedikit demi sedikit, masukkan juga esen vanila, mayonis dan yogurt, kacau sebati.

4. Akhir sekali masukkan butter yang telah dicairkan tadi, pastikan semua bahan sebati, gliss acuan bulat ber ukuran 18cm dengan marjerin dan alaskan dasar acuan kek dengan baking sheets, tuang adunan di dalam acuan kek dan perap selama 15 minit baru dibakar.
5. Panaskan oven suhu 170 darjah, dan bakar selama 50 minit atau sehingga kek masak. ( Masa ni boleh buat coklat ganche)
6. Sejukkan atas redai besi, setelah agak sejuk, potong kek menjadi dua bahagian, sapukan kek dengan coklat ganache pada satu bahagian dan  letakkan satu lagi bahagian kek di atasnya, curah baki coklat ganche di atas kek dan  parutkan coklat diatasnye, simpan di dalam peti ais beberapa jam, baru dipotong,

Fesyen wanita yang tak digemari lelaki ..............

Fesyen itu adalah universal dan kebiasaannya wanita adalah insan yang pandai dan hebat berfesyen namun adakala ada sesetengah fesyen yang tak digemari oleh kaum lelaki ini.

Ini kerana jika fesyen itu terlalu keterlaluan ianya tidak kena dengan gaya dan personaliti anda malah jika anda menggayakan fesyen tersebut mungkin kelihatan tidak menarik dan tidak dilayan oleh sang jejaka.

Jom lihat 5 fesyen yang tidak digemari jejaka ini:

Cermin mata besar Kebanyakan wanita merasakan bahawa apabila mereka memakai cermin mata yang besar, mereka akan kelihatan lebih moden dan bergaya. Tidak bagi lelaki, kerana bagi mereka, wanita yang memakai cermin mata yang besar ini tidak sesesuai  dan membuatkan wajah si wanita itu kelihatan seperti serangga yang bermata besar. Amatlah penting bagi seseorang wanita itu memilih saiz dan bentuk cermin mata yang betul-betul kena dengan raut wajah anda agar kelihatan menawan sentiasa.

Bibir yang merah menyala Kebanyakan wanita akan merasakan bahawa bibir mereka akan lebih seksi sekiranya menggunakan lipstick yang berwarna merah menyala. Tetapi hakikatnya ada segelintir lelaki yang tidak sukakan demikian kerana warna yang terlalu terang akan membuat mereka bercakap dengan badut. Lelaki lebih suka sesuatu yang menyenangkan dan sederhana kerana itu lebih membuat anda seperti bidadari dengan bibir yang semulajadi dan tidak terlalu merah. Wanita harus lebih peka dengan pemilihan warna gincu agak bersesuaian dengan kulit anda.

Bulu mata Memang tak dinafikan bulu mata yang panjang dan melentik memang akan membuat wanita itu kelihatan lebih cantik dan menawan tetapi sekiranya bulu mata itu palsu dan dipakai tidak kena majlis pastinya akan menjadi mimpi ngeri buat anda apabila dipandang jelik oleh sesetengah lelaki. Seeloknya tak perlulah gunakan bulu mata palsu kerana tidak semesti bulu mata panjang, melentik itu cantik bahkan jika kita lihat wanita Korea bulu mata mereka semua biasa-biasa saja tetapi mereka masih dianggap jelita. Kebanyakan lelaki sukakan bulu mata yang asli dan original kerana itu lebih nampak kecantikan sebenar.

Selipar/Kasut Oh ini tidak sesuai kerana selipar dan kasut itu bukanlah sesuatu yang menarik untuk dipakai kerana ada sesetengah selipar yang agak ketinggalan zaman. Tetapi memang benar selipar lagi selesa dipakai daripada kasut tumit tinggi namun jika mahu memakai selipar haruslah memilih yang sesuai dan mengikut trend semasa. Namun begitu, walau secantik mana selipar/kasut yang dipakai, lelaki pasti lebih mengemarkan kekasihnya memakai kasut tumit tinggi kerana ia akan menambah lagi pesona dan keaggunan anda.

Pakaian yang terlalu seksi Akhir sekali janganlah pakai pakaian yang terlalu seksi dan menjolok mata kerana tidak semua lelaki sukakan wanita berpakaian seksi. Alangkah indah dan moleknya anda sekiranya berpakaian sopan dan sesuai dengan bentuk tubuh anda, tidak perlu memakai yang terlalu ketat sehingga sukar untuk berjalan dan sebagainya. Lebih manis dan selamat bagi wanita yang memakai pakaian menutup aurat kerana aura mereka akan terserlah.


19 Signs Your Thyroid Isn’t Working Right ............

Located above the Adam's apple, your thyroid produces thyroid hormone (TH), which regulates, among other things, your body's temperature, metabolism, and heartbeat. Things can start to go wrong when your thyroid is under- or over-active. If it's sluggish, it produces too little TH; amped-up and it produces too much.

What causes your thyroid to go haywire? It could be genetics, an autoimmune attack, pregnancy, stress, nutritional deficiencies, or toxins in the environment, but experts aren't entirely sure. Because of thyroid hormones far reach in the body—from brain to bowels—diagnosing a disorder can be challenging. Here's how to tell if your thyroid could be on the blink.


You're exhausted

Feeling tired and having no energy are issues associated with lots of conditions, but they're strongly linked with hypothyroidism, the disorder that's the result of too little thyroid hormone. If you're still tired in the morning or all day after a full night's sleep, that's a clue that your thyroid may be underactive. Too little thyroid hormone coursing through your bloodstream and cells means your muscles aren't getting that get-going signal. “Fatigue is the number one symptom I see,” says Dr. Miller. “It’s the kind of fatigue where you’re still tired in the morning after a full night’s sleep—that’s a clue that you’re not simply sleep deprived; your thyroid may be underactive.”


You're feeling down

Feeling unusually depressed or sad can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism. Why? It's thought that the production of too little thyroid hormone can have an impact on levels of "feel good" serotonin in the brain. With an underactive thyroid turning other body systems down to "low," it's not surprising that your mood might sink there, too.


You feel jittery and anxious

Anxiety and "feeling wired" are associated with hyperthyroidism, when the thyroid gland is making too much thyroid hormone. Flooded with consistent "all systems go" messages, your metabolism and whole body may spin into overdrive. If you feel like you just can't relax, your thyroid may be "hyper."


Your appetite or taste buds are altered

An increased appetite can be a sign of hyperthyroidism when too much thyroid hormone may have you feeling hungry all of the time. The only upside is that the "hyper" part of the disorder typically offsets the caloric impact of an increased appetite so the end result isn't weight gain.

An underactive thyroid, on the other hand, can mess with your sense of taste and smell.


Your brain feels fuzzy

Sure, it could be caused by sleep deprivation or aging, but cognitive functioning can take a hit when your thyroid is out of whack. Too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) can cause difficulty concentrating and too little (hypothyroidism) may cause forgetfulness and general brain fog. “When we treat patients for hypothyroidism, they are often surprised at how fast their brain fog goes away and how much sharper they feel,” Dr. Miller says. “Many women think it’s just something that comes along with menopause when it really is a sign of a thyroid problem.


You've lost your interest in sex

Having little or no desire in the sack could be a side effect of a thyroid disorder. Too little thyroid hormone could be a contributor to a low libido, but the cumulative impact of other hypothyroidism symptoms—weight gain, low energy, and body aches and pains—could also play a part.


You're feeling all fluttery

That fluttery feeling you're having may be heart palpitations. It can feel like your heart is actually fluttering or skipping a beat or two, or beating too hard or too quickly. You may notice these feelings in your chest or at pulse points in your throat or neck. Heart flutters or palpitations can be a sign of too many thyroid hormones flooding your system (hyperthyroidism).


Your skin is dry

Skin that's dry and itchy can be a symptom of hypothyroidism. The change in skin texture and appearance is probably due to slowed metabolism (caused by too little thyroid hormone production), which can reduce sweating. Skin without enough moisture can quickly become dry and flaky. Likewise, nails can become brittle and may develop ridges.


Your bowels are unpredictable

People with hypothyroidism sometimes complain of constipation. The disruption in hormone production has likely caused a slowdown of digestive processes.

“There’s just no motility in your gut,” Dr. Miller says. “This is one of the top three most common symptoms of hypothyroidism I see.”

On the reverse side of the spectrum, an overactive thyroid gland can cause diarrhea or more frequent bowel movements, which is why they're symptoms of hyperthyroidism.


Your periods have changed

Longer menstrual periods with a heavier flow and more cramps can be a sign of hypothyroidism, where thyroid hormones are in short supply. Periods may be closer together.

With hyperthyroidism, high levels of TH cause menstrual irregularities in a different way. Periods are shorter, farther apart and may be very light. “I always ask my patients about their cycles and if they’re regular,” says Dr. Miller. She finds a strong link between irregular cycles and thyroid problems. And if periods are extra-heavy, she checks for anemia, too.


You have painful extremities or muscles

Sometimes you stub a toe or work out too hard—that kind of pain can be explained away. But if you have mysterious or sudden tingling or numbness—or actual pain—in your arms, legs, feet, or hands, that could be a sign of hypothyroidism. Over time, producing too little thyroid hormone can damage the nerves that send signals from your brain and spinal cord throughout your body. The result is those "unexplained" tingles and twinges.


You have high blood pressure

Elevated blood pressure can be a symptom of a thyroid disorder. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism have been fingered as culprits. By some estimates, people with hypothyroidism have two to three times the risk of developing hypertension. One theory is that low amounts of thyroid hormone can slow heart beat, which can affect pumping strength and blood vessel wall flexibility. Both may cause a rise in blood pressure.


Your thermostat is on the fritz

Feeling cold or having chills is associated with hypothyroidism. The system slow-down caused by an underactive thyroid means less energy is being burned by cells. Less energy equals less heat.

On the other hand, an overactive thyroid puts energy-producing cells into overdrive. That's why people with hyperthyroidism sometimes feel too warm or sweat profusely.


You're hoarse or your neck feels funny

A change in your voice or a lump in your throat could be a sign of a thyroid disorder. One way to check is to take a good look at your neck to see if you can detect any signs of thyroid swelling. You can do a physical check of your own thyroid at home with these directions from The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists:

Using a hand mirror, watch your throat as you swallow a drink of water. You're looking for any bulges or protrusions in the thyroid area, which is below your Adam's apple but above your collarbones. You may want to try this several times to get a hang of where your thyroid really is. If you see anything that's lumpy or suspicious, see your doctor.


Your sleep schedule is messed up

Want to sleep all of the time? It could be hypothyroidism. A sluggish thyroid can slow bodily functions down to the point where sleeping (even in the daytime) seems like a brilliant idea.

Can't sleep? It could be hyperthyroidism. An overactive thyroid can cause anxiety and rapid pulse, which can make it hard to fall asleep or even wake you in the middle of the night


You've gained weight

Going up a few dress sizes can be caused by so many things that it's unlikely your doctor will look at weight gain alone as a potential thyroid disorder symptom. However, weight gain is one of the top reasons women show up in Dr. Miller’s office for a thyroid checkup. “They’ll tell me that they aren’t eating any more than usual, but they’re gaining weight,” she says. “They are exercising, but they are getting nowhere. They can’t lose it.” It’s almost always due to an underactive thyroid, she says.

On the other end of the scale, a sudden weight loss can signal hyperthyroidism.


Your hair is thinning or falling out

Dry, brittle hair that breaks or falls out can be a sign of hypothyroidism. Too little thyroid hormone disrupts your hair growth cycle and puts too many follicles into "resting" mode, resulting in hair loss—sometimes all over your body including at the outside of your eyebrows. “Lots of my patients come in and tell me that their hairdresser sent them,” says Dr. Miller. “They’ll say, ‘My hair stylist said I’m losing my hair and I needed to go ask my doctor about my thyroid.’ The hair salons are more aware of thyroid problems than some doctors!”

An overactive thyroid can also do a number on your hair. Hair issues due to hyperthyroidism typically show up as thinning hair just on your head.


You have trouble getting pregnant

If you've been trying to have a baby for an extended period of time with no luck, an under- or over-active thyroid could be a contributing factor. Difficulty conceiving has been linked to a higher risk of undiagnosed thyroid problems.

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can interfere with ovulation, which impairs fertility. Thyroid disorders are also linked to pregnancy complications.


You have high cholesterol

High levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that haven't responded to diet, exercise, or medication have been linked to hypothyroidism. Elevated levels of the "bad" cholesterol can be caused by an underactive thyroid and are cause for concern. Untreated hypothyroidism can lead to heart problems, including an enlarged heart and heart failure.


Get your thyroid tested

If you have one or more of these symptoms and suspect it's your thyroid, see your doctor and ask for a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test, Free T3, and Free T4 tests, says Dr. Miller. Based on test results, your symptoms, and your physical exam, you may be prescribed synthetic hormones. Testing and treating a thyroid disorder takes a bit of trial-and-error so expect to visit the doctor a few times before the dosage is right.
