Friday, July 25, 2014



Bahan-bahan :
• 250g cream cheese
• 1/2 tin susu pekat manis
• 1 bungkus biskut saltcheese
• nestum/oat seckupnya

Cara-cara :
1. Cream cheese dipukul dengan susu hingga sebati.
2. Susun biskut cheese didalam bekas yang dilapik plastik atau aluminium foil.Ratakan cheese atas biskut. Taburkan nestum/oat.
3. Ulang proses tadi dengan menyusun biskut dan sapu cheese sampai habis
4. Setiap lapis tabur oat@ nestum untuk rasa yang lebih sedap
5. Simpan dalam peti ais semalaman.
6. Siap untuk dihidang.

Kuih Talam Gula Merah ...........



250 gm gula merah
50 gm gula pasir
900 ml air
2 helai daun pandan

140 gm tepung beras
50 gm tepung Hon Kwee
1 sudu teh air kapur

150 gm tepung beras
70 gm tepung ubi
1/2 sudu teh garam
1.2 liter santan | dari dua biji kelapa


1. Didihkan bahan (a) sehingga gula hancur. Kemudian ditapis dan biarkan sehingga suam. Ketepikan.

2. Di dalam bekas, satukan bahan (b) dan dikacau sehingga sebati.

3. Setelah itu, masukkan bahan (b) ke dalam bahan (a) yang telah suam.

4. Masak di atas api yang sederhana sehingga agak pekat.

5. Kemudian tuangkan adunan ke dalam loyang dan kukus selama 30 minit.

6. Dalam masa yang sama, sediakan bahan (c) untuk dijadikan bahagian atas kuih talam. Satukan semua bahan ( c) dan tapis sebelum dimasak di atas api sehingga naik wap, adunan ini sedikit cair.

7. Setelah itu, lapiskan ke atas bahan yang telah dikukus tadi dan kukus lagi selama 30 minit.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bergedil / Pegedil Kentang ..........

4 potatoes (400g), peel the skin, cut into small pieces
1tbsp dried shrimps, soak in water till soften, chopped roughly
1tbsp fried shallots
1tbsp chopped parsley leaves
1/2tsp fine salt or to taste
White pepper powder
1 egg, lightly beaten 


  1. Deep fry potatoes till golden brown and cooked. Drained.
  2. Using a food processor, to mash the potatoes.
  3. Put the mashed potato in a mixing bowl, mixing in chopped dried shrimps, fried shallots, chopped parsley leaves, salt and pepper, mix well. Shape into patties.
  4. Coat the patties with egg, deep fry over medium heat till golden brown on both sides.
    First you need to deep fry the potatoes first.
    Mash it..
    Mix with other ingredients, I added dried shrimps this time, you may replaced with cooked chicken or beef.

    Shape into patties, then coat with egg ( this is a must as Bergedil is prepared this way) , and deep fry..

Kuih Sagu ..............

Bahan- bahan

3 cawan air
1 cawan sagu
3/4 cawan gula pasir
Beberapa titik sirap perisa rose dan pewarna merah
sedikit kelapa putih + sedikit garam (untuk digaulkan bersama kuih)

Cara cara membuatnya:
1. Didihkan air bersama perasa sirap hingga mendidih.
2. Bila air dah mendidih baru masukkan sagu. Kacau rata selama 10 minit.
3. Kemudian bila dah nampak pekat sikit, baru dimasukkan gula pasir.
4. Kacau sehingga pekat.
5. Bila dah likat sikit, masukkan ke dalam loyang untuk dikukus.
6. Kukus sehingga sagu kembang dan tiada lagi putih putih (dalam anggaran 20 - 30 minit).
7. Sejukkan sagu di luar.
8. Bila kuih masih lembap,potong ikut citarasa and gaulkan bersama sama kelapa putih.
9.Siap untuk dihidangkan.

Ondeh-Ondeh / Buah Melaka ......

Tepung pulut (ikut suka berapa banyak)
5 helai daun pandan (jus pandan secukupnya)
Gula melaka 
1/2 biji kelapa muda parut [ambil bahagian putih sahaja]
Sedikit kapur

1.      Bancuh tepung pulut dengan air pandan dan air kapur sedikit demi sedikit hingga adunan boleh digentel. 
2.      Ambil sebesar ibu jari dan leperkan. 
3.      Gula melaka dipotong kecil kecil atau dihancurkan sedikit supaya ia cair semasa  dimasak.Saya tak suka rasa gula melaka yang berbiji semasa mengunyah kuih tersebut.
4.      Masukkan gula melaka di tengahnya dan tutup semula. Gentel adunan bulat bulat.
5.      Panaskan air hingga mendidih. Kalau suka, boleh masukkan daun pandan dalam air rebusan supaya airnya wangi.
6.      Masukkan bebola pulut tadi. 
7.      Bila kuih timbul boleh diangkat dan toskan dalam tapisan. 
8.      Terus golekkan kuih di atas kelapa parut yang bercampur sedikit garam. 
9.      Bolehlah dihidangkan bersama teh o panas panas. 


1 cawan tepung pulut
2 sudu besar tepung beras
5 helai daun pandan
Gula melaka di potong kiub kecil
Kelapa parut (gaulkan dengan garam halus secukup rasa)
Sedikit pewarna hijau

Cara Penyediaan:
1.Didihkan air 3/4 penuh dalam periuk.
2.Kisar daun pandan bersama sedikit air dan tapis. 3.Kemudian campur air pandan tadi dengan sedikit pewarna hijau dan tuang air sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam campuran tepung pulut dan tepung beras sehingga menjadi adunan yang boleh digentel.
4.Ambil sedikit adunan, leperkan atas tapak tangan dan letakkan gula melaka sebagai inti. Tutup rapat dan bentukkan bulat.
Rebus dalam air mendidih sehingga buah melaka timbul. Angkat dan toskan.
5.Salut buah melaka dengan kelapa parut di campur dengan sedikit garam, gaul rata dan hidangkan.

Bingka Labu .....


1 biji labu kuning saiz sederhana ~ kopek, dadu, rebus  tos-timbang dlm 400 gm
240 gm gula pasir (1 cwn)
250 gm tepung  (2 cwn.......... 1 cwn tpg gandum 1 cwn tpg ubi)
3 biji telur (A)-guna 4 biji telur saiz M
1 cawan santan pekat- guna 1/2 pekat santan debu jadikan 1 cwn
125 gm marjerin ~ cairkan (1/2 cwn)

Cara Menyediakan
1. Blend labu rebus, gula, telur dan santan hingga halus.
2. Masukkan bahan blend ke dalam mangkuk besar.
3. Masukkan tepung sikit demi sedikit dan kacau rata.
4. Masukkan marjerin yang dicairkan dan kacau. Jika adunan berketul2.. boleh ditapis atau diblend sekali lagi.
5. Panaskan ketuhar 175C.
6. Lenserkan acuan dengan marjerin/butter.
7. Masukkan adunan ke dalam acuan dan bakar selama 40 minit atau hingga masak bergantung saiz loyang & saiz oven anda.

Nota: Cara menguji kuih.. cucuk kuih dengan lidi penguji jika lidi keluar bersih.. bermakna kuih sudah masak.. jika lidi penguji masih bersalut dengan kuih teruskan membakar dengan menurunkan suhu ke 160C utk mengelakkan kuih dari hangus.





Bahan-bahan ( satu loyang )

  • 250gm tepung gandum  (2 cwn)

  • 2 sdb tepung kastard
  • 250gm gula pasir   (1/2 cwn)
  • 400 ml santan pekat (1 1/2 cwn)
  • 200 ml air   (xsampai 1 cwn )
  • 4 biji telur
  • 2 sdb butter - cairkan
  • sedikit esen vanilla
  • 1-2 titik pewarna kuning
  • secubit garam
  • 1 tin jagung krim


  1. Satukan semua bahan kecuali jagung. Adun sebati.*Guna senduk je..
  2. Masukkan pula jagung. Jika anda tidak suka jagung agak kasar, bolehlah kisar sedikit jagung tin ini terlebih dahulu.
  3. Tuang adunan ke dalam loyang yang digris dengan minyak/butter. Bakar pada suhu 180 degree selama lebih kurang 1 jam 20min. Jika suka kuih yang lebih garing pada bahagian luarnya, boleh lebihkan masa membakarnya sehingga bahagian tepi berwarna keemasan.

Bingka Pandan .....


1 cawan tepung gandum
1 cawan gula
1 cawan air pandan
1 cawan santan
1 cawan susu cair (sejat)
3 biji telur
Sedikit pewarna hijau
Sebagai hiasan- sedikit bijan jika suka

Cara-cara membuatnya
1. Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam blender kecuali bijan
2. Blender hingga sebati
3. Sapukan loyang dengan sedikit minyak dan tuangkan bahan tadi kedalamnya.
4. Taburkan bijan (jika suka)
5. Bakar 40 minit pada suhu 180c/ hingga masak. Untuk dapat kan permukaan yg berkerak/garing bolehlah tambah masa membakar.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Married men live longer, study shows ......

Married men are mentally and physically more healthy than single men, and therefore live longer, according to a new study.

Marriage might be the end of a man's single life, but can lead to a longer life overall, latest research suggests.

A report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Preventionfound married men were more likely than single men or those living de-facto to have visited a doctor over the last 12 months.

Moreover, married men were more likely than their cohabiting counterparts to schedule a checkup for blood pressure or screening for diabetes.

Researchers suggested the phenomenon could be due to persistent reminders from loved ones to take better care of their health.

"When men have the means to access health care, spouses may play a role in their use of health care by directly encouraging men to seek preventive care and by indirectly evoking in men a sense of economic and social obligation to the family," the authors said.

"The results suggest that cohabiting partners do not play a similar health-promoting role."

The research is the latest in a string of studies highlighting positive health effects from marriage, at least for men. Harvard researchers last year found that marriage had a positive impact on the diagnosis, use of definitive therapy and mortality rate of male cancer patients.

For females however, the health implications of marriage were less clear. "The benefit associated with marriage was greater in males than females for all outcome measures analysed," the Harvard report said.

A healthy lifestyle adds 10 years to your life ..............

Researchers at the University of Zurich have for the first time broken down the effects of leading a healthy lifestyle into numbers. The comprehensive 30-year study looked at the World Health Organisation's four behavioural risk factors for conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disorders.

Researchers compared the tobacco, fruit and alcohol consumption, as well as physical activity levels, of 16,721 people aged 16 to 90 from 1977 to 1993, and studied the impact of their lifestyle on participant death rates up to 2008. Unsurprisingly, cigarettes have a detrimental effect on mortality rates, with smokers having a 57 per cent higher risk of dying prematurely. An unhealthy diet, not enough physical activity, and alcohol abuse can each result in an elevated mortality risk of around 15 per cent.

When all four risk factors are combined, the prospect of an early death increases dramatically. For example, the probability of a 75-year-old man with all risk factors surviving the next 10 years is 35 per cent; without the risk factors, there is a 67 per cent chance he will live for another 10 years. For women, these percentages are 47 and 74 per cent respectively.

Poor lifestyle choices, however, had little effect on death rates until people made it to the 65 to 75 age bracket, when the death rates of smokers, the physically unfit, and people with poor diets started to rise dramatically, said Dr Brian Martin, who led the research group.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Japanese Condensed Milk bread ...........

(thank you to sonia for this awesome recipe ..... )

200g high protein flour or bread flour
15g Condensed milk (I use sweetened creamer)
120g milk
20g caster sugar
3g instant yeast (1/2tsp +1/4tsp)
20g salted butter, room temp. 

20g Condensed milk (I use sweetened creamer)
20g salted butter, room temp.

Almond flakes, dried fruits or your choice
Icing sugar 


  1. Add all ingredients in a mixing bowl, mix until a smooth dough.
  2. Add in butter, continue to knead till smooth and elastic dough, keep aside to rise till double in size.
  3. Mix the filling ingredients condensed milk and butter till mix well. Set aside.
  4. Roll the dough into a rectangular shape 8”x12”. Slice into four equal portion.
  5. Use a silicone brush, brush the filling on top of a dough and stack another dough on top, brush the filling on the dough and repeat till all stack up.
  6. Cut the dough with filling into 8 equal portions.
  7. Arrange the dough into a greased chiffon tube pan, keep it in warm place to rise till double.
  8. Egg wash and sprinkle almond flakes or your choice of dried fruits.
  9. Bake at a pre-heated oven at 170C for 25mins at middle rack (with fan forced).
  10. Remove bread from the chiffon pan once cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar.

Aromatic Malay Spiced Fried Chicken .......

1kg chicken meat, cut into medium-size pieces
1tsp Serbuk Jintan putih (cumin powder)

1tsp Serbuk Jintan Manis (fennel powder)

1tsp Serbuk Ketumbar (coriander powder)

1tsp chili powder

1/2tsp turmeric powder

1tbsp curry powder (meat type)

1tbsp corn flour

1 and 1/2tsp salt 

Blend into paste

4 garlic cloves

6 shallots

½” galangal (blue ginger)

½” ginger

4 lemongrass

3tbsp water 


  1. Marinate chicken pieces with all ingredients for several hours.
  2. Heat oil in a wok (sufficient to fry all chicken at one go) over medium to low heat, put marinated chicken into hot oil piece by piece, deep fry till golden brown (about 10-15mins).
  3. Once done, remove fried chicken and also the fried spiced crumbs using a strainer and keep aside to drain excess oil.
  4. Serve hot.

 Do not throw away those fried spiced crumbs, that is the most yummy part !


Ingredients A :

2 teaspoon instant dried yeast
1/4 cup lukewarm water
1 teaspoon castor sugar

Ingredients :

2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/4 cup water
a pinch of salt
1 teaspoon pandan essence
a few drops of green food coloring

Method :

1. Mix ingredients A in a small bowl. Leave to bubble for about 5 minutes. If it does not bubble, that means your yeast is not good.
2. Mix all ingredients B in a bigger bowl.
3. Pour the fermented ingredients A into B and stir to mix. Cover the bowl with cling film and keep aside for 1/2 hour. 
4. Grease a 9" x 9" x 3" tray with a bit of oil. 
5. After 1/2 hour, remove the cling film and give the batter a good stir. Pour into the prepared tin.
6. Prepare the steamer and when it's ready, steam the kuih for 40 minutes.
7. Once cooled, slice the apam and serve with some freshly grated coconut mixed with a bit of salt.
Note :
Make sure you do not over ferment the batter. It will turn sour and when you steam them, they will drop.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kuah Yong Tau Fu ...


Kuah hitam
2 sd mkn taucu
2 sd mkn tpg jgung
2 sd mkn tpg gndum
3 sd mkn kicap pkat
3 sd mkn sos tiram
4-5 sd mkn gula
3 cwn air

Masukan semua dlm blender.. blender bgi taucu halus... pas tu masak bgi mendidih sekejap..


Kuah merah
1/2 cwn kcng tanah yg dh d goreng
1 sd mkn tpg gndum
1 sd mkn tpg jgung
4- 5 sd mkn gula
3 cwn air
1/4 sd mkn garam
Blender semua bhn kt atas bgi kcang halus..
3 sd mkn cili blend

Panaskan sikit myak... tumis 2 bj bwang putih ketuk.. letak 3 sd mkn cili blend.. tggu kering.. masukan semua bhn dlm blender tdi.. mask sekejap bgi kuah agak pekat.. dlm 5 mnt..
Dh bleh mkn ngan apa2 bebola.. hot dog.. sayur..sotong kangkung.. dll..
Campur kuah untuk sesuaikan rasa pedasnya..tabur bijan sangai ngan bwang goreng..


Resepi Roti Arab Goreng..........

2 1/2 cawan tepung gandum (250 gm)
1 sudu teh yis mauripan
1 sudu besar gula
1 sudu besar mentega
1 sudu besar minyak masak
125 ml air suam
secubit garam

Cara Membuat:
1. Ayak tepung bersama yis dan gaulkan supaya yis menjadi rata.
2. Satukan semua bahan lain ke dalam air suam dan larutkannya.
3. Masukkan air bancuhan tadi ke dalam tepung dan uli hingga menjadi doh yang lembut dan licin.
4. Tutup mangkuk adunan dengan kain yang dibasahkan selama 1 jam. Kemudian uli semula doh dan bahagikan kepada 10 bahagian.
5. Canaikan doh setebal 1/4 cm dan goreng dalam minyak yang sederhana panas. Bila sudah kembung baru dialihkan ke bahagian belakangnya. Goreng sebiji sebiji sehingga habis.
6. Hidangkanya dengan kuah kari, sambal ikan bilis atau kuah bubur kacang.

Fishcake ..........

500gm isi ikan tenggiri segar
3 sudu kecik (menggunung) tpg jagung
1 sudu kecil garam (nanti masa dah siap blend nanti ce rasa jgn masin sangat ye sbb nanti time sejuk lagi masin)
sedikit ajinomoto (terpulang nak isi atau tidak)
1 sudu kecil serbuk lada sulah
1 cup air sejuk (dr air batu)

** anda boleh menggantikan dgn fish fillet tapi abaikan/jgn taruk air ye sbb dlm fillet tu dah ada kandungan air dah... so abaikan sukatan air tu

isi ikan tenggiri diambil ..kulit takmau ye dan diblend halus  guna food prosessor

kemudian masukkan sedikit air ais ..kisar lagi masukkan garam serta serbuk lada putih (siapa yang nak taruk ajinomoto taruk sikit)

kisar lagi dan masukkan 3 sudu tpg jagung dan kisar lagi..

sebelum itu panaskan periuk kukusan dan loyang 4 segi ..loyang tu biarla boleh masuk dlm periuk kukusan atau kalau takde guna je tupperware tahan panas..

masukkan adunan ikan tadi dlm bekas/loyang yang diletakkan plastik terlebih dahulu supaya nanti senang nak kluarkannya..(mcm buat serimuka)ratakan ia serta padatkannya.. menggunakan minyak yang disapu dijari anda utk licinkan permukaan ikan tadi dan kukus hingga masak..dlm 15 minit atau sehingga masak
terbalikkan isi ikan yang dah masak tadi potong sepertimana bentuk fishcake..

panaskan minyak terendam.. dan goreng sekejap hingga ia kekuningan.. angkat dan toskan minyak siap.


Ingredients :

1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup milk powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 1/4 cups water
4 tablespoons cornflour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 packet agar-agar powder (10-11gm)
1 1/2 tablespoons margarine

Method :

1. Into a big pot, add all the ingredients except margarine.
2. On a medium heat, using a whisk, keep stirring till the mixture starts to bubble.
3. Add in margarine and cook for a few more minutes. Remove from heat.
4. Wash the moulds of your choice but do not wipe it. Just remove the excess water. This is to ease the process of taking out the pudding later on. Pour the mixture into the mould. Let it cool before placing them in the refrigerator to set.
5. Ready to serve.
 Note :~ If you prefer a soft pudding in mugs or ramekins, then skip agar-agar powder and add only 4 cups of water. The rest of ingredients and method remain the same.

Reflexology Chart ..........

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Coffee vs. Tea: Which Is Better for You?............

These two morning staples contain a host of nutritional properties. Promote weight loss and prevent yourself from diseases and depression by incorporating tea and coffee in to your daily routine.


Three Supplements Dr. Oz Would Never Take ........

Dr. Oz has made it his mission to clarify what vitamins are essential for us, including what the proper dose is and how they should be taken. Click here to view Dr. Oz’s Ultimate Supplement Checklist. While it can seem that all supplements promise to enhance our health, that’s simply not the case. Read on to discover the 3 supplements Dr. Oz would never take – and recommends that you avoid.

While shopping for vitamins, it can seem like there are supplements, natural therapies and herbal strategies for every possible body ailment. Exercise caution while shopping for supplements. Here are 3 supplements stocking the shelves that Dr. Oz would never take.

Bitter Orange

Taken in the hopes that it can boost weight loss or relieve allergies, $21 million worth of bitter orange was sold last year. However, it can cause heart attack, stroke or even death. Bitter orange contains a stimulant similar to ephedrine, banned by the FDA in 2004 after 2 people died and several suffered heart attacks or strokes. This was the first time the FDA banned an herbal supplement and bitter orange has many similar chemical properties.

Also known as asthma weed, people take lobelia seeking a relief from symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. But lobelia can cause rapid heart rate and a high dose can cause severe low blood pressure, coma or even death.


This sexual enhancement supplement had sales up to $14 million last year. Men and women alike try it as an aphrodisiac, while some men also take it for erectile dysfunction. Yohimbe can cause serious heart problems, including high blood pressure and rapid heart rate, and it may contain a prescription-strength chemical that should only be taken under a doctor’s supervision. Nearly 20 years ago, the FDA issued a warning about the adverse side effects of yohimbe.

It is important to remember to exercise caution when taking any form of supplement. Make sure to read labels carefully and discuss with your doctor, especially if you are already taking any prescription medications.