Please SHARE these 16 REALLY BAD foods that you should try to avoid at all costs!
#1 - Microwave popcorn
it's easy to pop a bag of popcorn in the microwave when you want a
quick and tasty snack, but is it really worth risking yourself for
liver, testicular and pancreatic cancer? The microwave popcorn bags you
have in your cabinet are lined with carcinogenic chemicals AND so is a
chemical in the popcorn itself, which creates the artificial butter
flavor. If you can't give up your favorite movie-time snack, it's time
to switch to the old-fashioned stove top or a kernel popping machine
like you see at movie theaters.
#2 - Non-organic produce
not alone in thinking ALL fruits and vegetables are good for you, but
there are actually many dangerous pesticides sprayed on non-organic
fruits that are linked to cancer. One example is Altrazine, a
weed-killer used at many U.S. farms, but banned in Europe for causing
severe problems in humans, such as infertility. Another problem with
non-organic farmed produce is the use of toxic fertilizers and hormones
used to make fruits and veggies bigger. In case you were wondering, the
worst offenders are apples, followed by oranges, strawberries and
grapes. ALWAYS wash fruits and veggies to be safe, but know that this
doesn't remove all pesticides.
#3 - Canned tomatoes
know what you're thinking... You've likely heard how the nutrient
Lycopene in tomatoes lowers cancer risks, but that benefit is completely
cancelled out when the lining of canned tomatoes contain chemicals that
disrupt hormonal activity in the body. Since tomatoes are so acidic,
the chemical BPA actually leeches from the lining into the tomatoes.
This toxic chemical has been linked to different cancers, heart disease
and reproductive problems. Next time you feel like making a nice red
sauce, go with a glass jar or stew the tomatoes yourself.
#4 - Processed meats
you're a carnivore, it may be hard to give up tasty deli sandwiches or
cured meats to go with your cheese, but the benefits definitely
outweigh the cancerous risk. Processed meats are created with excessive
salt and chemicals that damage our health. A study over 13 years showed
that 1 out of 17 people died who ate 160 grams of processed meats.
That's 44 percent risk of cancer, as opposed to people who ate 20 grams
or less. These meats are so packed with preservatives to look fresh, but
they are well-known carcinogens, including the same things found in
cigarette smoke.
#5 - Farm-raised salmon
fish, especially salmon, is known as one of the healthiest foods out
there, but unfortunately more than 60% of salmon in the U.S. is
farm-raised... and could be deadly. Farm-raised fish are fed unnatural
diets and contaminated with chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides and
other known carcinogens found in materials like asbestos. Farmed salmon
is also fattier than fresh salmon, which means it soaks up more toxins.
Next time you want a healthy omega-3 packed, treat yourself to fresh
Alaskan salmon instead.
#6 - Potato chips
may be cheap, easy and delicious, but these crispy, addicting snacks
can also be deadly. These fatty foods don't only cause weight gain
because of their high trans-fat content, they also have excessive sodium
levels, which cause high blood pressure and artificial flavors,
preservatives and colors. Another risk is the presence of acrymalide, a
known carcinogen found in cigarettes. Try not to feed these quick snacks
to yourself or your kids and choose pretzels, air-popped popcorn or
baked apple chips instead.
#7 - Hydrogenated oils
oils are vegetable oils, which cannot be naturally extracted like olive
oil, soy or canola oil, they must be chemically removed. They are
commonly used in many foods in your pantry to preserve and keep their
shelf life, yet they are also linked to cancer, birth defects, heart
disease and many other fatalities. NEVER cook with hydrogenated oils and
check your labels for healthy oils like olive, soy and canola instead.
#8 - Salty, pickled and smoked foods
may be delicious, but many salty, pickled and smoked foods are
processed with the preservative nitrate, which changes in our bodies to
N-nitroso composites, which are associate with high cancer-developing
risks. Smoked foods like meat or nuts absorb the smoke, which contains
the same tar found in cigarettes. Colorectal and stomach cancer are
linked to salty, pickled and smoked foods. Do you have a taste for these
cravable foods now?!
#9 - Processed white flour
famously lost a lot of weight by cutting out anything white, especially
the big culprit - white flour. You may have heard it's bad for you, but
you probably don't realize that chemically-bleaching flour with
chlorine gas kills all of it's healthy nutrients. Chlorine gas can be
deadly when inhaled, so why would we want it in our dinner? White flour
also contains a high glycemic rate, which raises blood sugar and insulin
levels and can directly cause diabetes. Cancerous tumors feed on sugar
in the bloodstream, so by avoiding refined grains like processed white
flour, you can avoid or starve deadly tumors.
#10 - GMO's
may have heard the term GMO, but you're not alone in not fully
understanding the dangers of genetically modified organisms. Why would
anyone want to eat something that sounds like that, right?! WRONG! After
GMO's were introduced in 1996, Americans with 3 or more chronic
illnesses jumped from 7 to 13% in just 9 years. Allergies skyrocketed
and so did Autism in children, reproductive and digestion problems. GM
vegetables fed to rats caused development of horrifying tumors. One of
the biggest culprits was GM bovine growth hormone found in milk. Stay
away from these silent killers and choose certified organic, non-GMO
verified and locally-grown foods that are produced without
biotechnology. You'll be thankful you did later on in life.
#11 - Refined sugars
cells LOVE refined sugars, which spike insulin levels and and promote
cancer growth. High-fructose corn syrup is considered the worst offender
and it's found in any sweet you can think of. It's been known for a
long time that cancer cells feed off of sugar, so with so many people
addicted to sugary treats, it's no wonder why cancer rates have
#12 - Artificial sweeteners
many people choose artificial sweeteners to lose weight, they are
actually doing way worse damage to the body. People who consume
artificial sweeteners in soda, coffee or diet-candy actually end up
gaining weight and it does nothing to help those with diabetes.
Aspartame found in artificial sweeteners has been known to cause
convulsions, cataracts and gastro paresis. Also, artificial sweeteners
do nothing to inhibit the body’s ability to monitor its daily calorie
consumption, making us crave sweets even more. Another deadly toxin
called DKP forms in the body from these fake sweets that produces
cancer-causing chemicals, especially brain tumors. To sum it up, there
is pretty much NEVER a good reason to ingest artificial sweeteners.
#13 - ANYTHING "diet"
may be thinking you're doing the right thing when choosing a food with a
"diet" or "low-fat" label, but you're actually doing way more harm than
good. Chemical artificial sweetener aspartame, again, is the big
culprit, causing cancer, birth defects and heart problems. Think about
it - anything "diet" is chemically processed and not REAL food. These
foods also contain additives like ones found in cocaine to make you feel
good, but also be addicting. Be smart and eat nature's delicious,
natural foods - organic only, of course!
#14 - Alcohol
use is the second leading cause of cancer, right behind tobacco use.
While a moderate or low consumption of alcohol can be healthy and lead
to a reduced risk of heart disease, excessive drinking is known to cause
heart failure, stroke, and sudden death. Excessive alcohol use is the
biggest cause of mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, mouth, rectum and
breast cancers. Don't worry! You don't need to give up your glass of
wine with dinner, but, for your health’s sake, stick to one.
#15 - Red meat
you love a delicious steak now and then, don't worry! Red meat is
actually a good thing in your diet in small doses, but only if it's
grass-fed beef, which can actually help fight certain cancers. However,
people who eat meat like hamburgers every day have a greater risk in
developing deadly cancers, upping their risk to 22% in men and 20% in
women. Red meat is particularly good at causing colon cancer. So, enjoy
your steak dinner now and then, but don't do it every night of the week
and when you do crave red meat, stick to grass-fed, organic beef.
#16 - Soft drinks
drinks, soda, pop... no matter what you call it, it's still detrimental
to your health! Soda is packed full of calories, sugar and artificial
ingredients, and has ZERO nutritional benefit. One can of soda contains
about ten packets of sugar and most popular diet and sugared sodas are
nearly as corrosive to dental enamel as battery acid. Think the
occasional soda won't hurt? Studies have shown that only drinking two
sodas per week nearly doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer. There are
plenty of alternatives out there, so next time you're craving something
sweet, think about what you're putting into your body. Your health is an
investment, never forget that!