Ingredients :
500g bread flour/high protein flour
100g sugar
1 teaspoon salt
30g milk powder
1 teaspoon bread improver (optional)
1 teaspoon bread softener (optional)
4 teaspoons instant dry yeast
250ml water
1 egg (lightly beaten)
80 gm margarine
Method :
1. Mix well all ingredients in (A)
2. Add (B) into (A) and knead till smooth.
3. Add (C) and continue kneading till smooth and shiny and dough does not stick to your hand.
4. Leave to prove for 30 - 40 minutes.
5. Punch down the dough to let the air out.
6. Divide the dough according to the weight you wish. Make into balls and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
7. Shape accordingly.
8. Leave to prove for 40 minutes - 1 hour.
9. Bake till golden brown.
Note :
To make this Sausage Mix Vegetable Buns, I divided the dough to 70g each. Shape it and then sprinkle some mix vegetables on top. Pipe some mayonaise and tomato sauce.
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